WOD 8/6

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
2 Sets of 20/leg
Clams, Jackhammers, and Fire Hydrants

Toes to Bar
Stick Jumps
Air Squats

Either move or be moved.-Ezra Pound

Great article today: I (still) remember running

-Gymnastics Clinic with Walker Saturday August 21st Sign up here.
-OlyAthlete Open Saturday August 28th Click here for more info!
-Last call for INOV8 shoes, post shoes sizes to comments (even if you already have) I’ll make the order next weeks

Congrats on getting hitched Rene, and Claire!

AM Results
Jerry 7:55
Alex 9:57
L.G. 11:25 (KR)
Cat 6:31 (KR, 12″)
Liz 8:10 (KR, 12″)
Sarah 8:14 (KR)