WOD 8/7

Level Two
BTN Snatch Grip Push Press x3x6 (RPE 7) Rest :90


Strict Chin ups
KB Swings (24K, 16K)
*Total time recorded
*Scale up as needed

Level One (Day 12)

Kettle Bell Swings
Handstand Push-up Progression

A. DL 3×5 Rest 1:00
B. FR Reverse Lunge x6-8/leg x3 Rest 1:00

The Best Gym For Startups: CrossFit
*Post thoughts to comments

“Belief triggers the power to do” -David Schwartz


  • Coach Shane’s South Side Strength program starts this week! A few spaces are still available. Learn more and sign up here.
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.
AM – Level 1
Morgan S
Grisel S
James S
Robert S
Cameron S
Alexandra S
Ercimin S
Christian S
Kelly S
Jesse S
AM – Level 2
MegO 11:02 (RR)
Michele 11:15 (RR, 12K)
Jackie 11:30 (RR)
JV 13:05 (Band)
9AM 13:42 (Band)
Leah 14:08 (Band, 12K)
Guthrie 15:11 (Band)
Big Spoon 15:34 Rx
Ivan 15:04 Rx
Bradley 10:13 Rx
Tow Matt 11:03 (Jump)
Michael 11:25 Rx
Ballet 11:37 Rx
Bryan 11:52 (Band)
Schittone 15:20 (20K)
Fro 15:08 (Band)
Ray 9:56 Rx
George 12:27 (RR, 16K)
Mrs. Fro 11:18 (RR, 12K)
Bronwyn 10:04 (RR)
12P – Level 1
Clint S
Dixie S
Snick S
49er S
Heather S
Anne S
Jasmine S
PM – Level 2
Miles 9:57 Rx
Tasha 11:06 (RR, 12K)
Crash 13:38 (RR)
Marissa 11:42 (Band)
ABC 15:42 (Band, 16K)
Jables 10:25 (RR)
Billy 9:44 (Band)
Shemo 12:38 Rx
Ryan 14:55 Rx
Melissa 9:17 (Band, 12K)
Shug 11:34 (RR)
Betsy 17:05 (RR, 12K)
Jeanette 11:37 (RR)
E-Rod 12:10 (Bandm 16K)
Dillard 9:17 Rx
Andrew 12:43 (20K)
Holly 10:46 (Band)
Sanchez 12:53 Rx
Andy 13:48 Rx
Keith 13:40 (Band)
Nicole 8:44 (Band)
Adrian 14:35 (16K)
Blake 13:24 Rx+
Desiree 13:17 (Band)
Marky Marc 16:15 Rx
LaRosa 12:05 (Band)
JP 10:56 Rx