WOD 8/9

All Levels
EMOM 16:00
3-5 Russian KB Swings
3-5 Ring Rows

3 Rounds
10 Wall Balls @ 20 lb, 14 lbs
10 Burpees
10 DB Step-ups/leg @ 35 lb, 20 lbs
10 Box Jumps
10 SA DB Push Press/Arm @ 35 lb, 20 lb
2:00 Active Recovery Jump Rope Skills
*Total time recorded
*Time cap 30:00
*Move steadly through the exerercise, recovery

“Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.” – Winston Churchill

All Levels
Jillian 13:50
Sam 15:08
Ian 12:30
MegO 13:44
Carlos 14:55
Maureen 15:11
Maryhelen 14:45
Lee 15:47
Matt 13:02
Jose 17:50
Red 16:44
Silas 16:34
Sarah 16:31
Jeff 15:37 rx
Kara 13:24
Nelly 16:05
Josie 17:47
LuLu 17:14
Stefani 17:24
Mer 16:59
All Levels – Noon
Jackie 18:41
Everett 15:30
Allyson 18:35
Sean 16:17
Avtar 18:34
Chet 20:21
Gil 19:00
Tineke 16:20