WOD 9/11

Push-up Challenge Day 32
Buy in: 6400/3200
Push-ups for the day: 200/100

5 Rounds
3 Deadlifts (315, 250)
6 Handstand Push-ups
9 Swings (24K, 16K)

Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more. –Louis L’Amour

Why we CrossFit and eat healthy…


Congrats to all the Former On-Rampers, welcome to CFA!

Mike 7:26 (250 lb, ROM HSPU)
Andrew 6:45 (150 lb, Pike)
Blake 6:02 (ROM HSPU)
Kristin 4:59 (115, Pike, 12K)
Dave 4:46 (185, Pike, 16K)
Amber 5:09 (75 lb, Pike, 12K)
Tow Matt 5:31 (115 lb, Pike, 16K)
Laura 5:21 (115 lb, Pike, 12K)