WOD 9/14

Level Two

5:00 AMRAP
Full Clean to Overhead
(M: 165 lb, W: 100)


3 Rounds
:30 Hollow Rock or Hold
5 Strict Ring Push-ups
5 DB Muscle Snatches

Level One (Day 8 )

Kipping Pull Up, Burpees, Thrusters

5 Minute AMRAP:
7 Jumping Pull-ups
7 DB Thrusters
*Every minute on the minute perform 2 burpees

What we need is to use what we have. –Susan Sontag

*Post thoughts to comments

– THANK YOU!!! to everyone that came out and helped with our “Move-In Party/ Work Day on Saturday. We really appreciate the time and sweat you put into helping our expansion take off and we couldn’t have done it without you! Pictures are posted on our Facebook Page.
– If you would like to come out and support our FGB6 athletes this Saturday, please visit here for more information. 
Watch the 2011 CrossFit Games on ESPN2 for the first time ever! The 12-part series of 30min episodes will launch TONIGHT at 7 p.m. CST. Four shows back to back for three Wednesdays in a row.

AM Results (Level 2)
Nick 15 Rx
Kristin 9 (98lb)
Mikey 10 (145lb)
Ty 10 (65lb)
Janice 9 (45lb)
Mad Dog 14 (45lb)
Beast 9 (77lb)
Ballet 21 (65lb, mod)
Senator Mod
Can2 9 Rx
MG Jenny 10 (55lb)
Melicious 15 (65lb)
Erica 13 (53lb, mod)
Tow Matt 11 (135lb)
Cody 28 (135lb)
Ivan 9 Rx
Michael 10 (135 lb)
Courtney 14 (45lb)
Melody 14 (35lb)
Ray 11 (135lb)
Dayna 12 (85lb)
Noon Results (Level 2)
Jables 12 (85lb)
Clapper 10 (115lb)
Heather 12 (50lb)
PM Results (Level 2)
Gilbert 10 (135lb)
Geno 13 Rx
Randy 13 (115lb)
Crash 13 (50lb)
Amy 12 (57lb)
Emily 13 (45lb)
Jon 26RX
Stacey 30RX
Betsey 28 (95)
Stephanie 18 (67 MOD)
Peter 12 (135)
G 19 (65)
Kaz 10 (100)
Sherman 16 (155)
Jesse 15 (105)
Fro S
Leigh 35 RX
Christy 15 (75)
Darlene 21 (77)
Sleeves 20 RX
Anthony 13 (105)
Mr T 9 RX
Ryan 18 (135)
Uzi 17 (115)
Lana 12 (45)
Teeny 16 (65)
Schittone 15 (115
Level 1 PM
KT 4
Jenna 5
Maggie 3
Tony 3
Marco 5
Josie 3
Vanessa 4
Chrissy 4
Rhea 4
Jonathon 3
Margarita 3