WOD 9/19

Level Two

5 Rounds
1:00 Row @ Repeatable pace
1:00 to complete 5 Hang Cleans
1:00 Yo yos (count lines)
1:00 to 5 Handstand Push-ups
*Post most weight and total lines on yo-yo
**Evening classes will be air dyning instead of rowing

Level One (Day 10)


3×500 M Row
Rest 5:00
*Jerk skill practice during rest

To be upset over what you don’t have is to waste what you do have. – Ken Keyes

Common Nutrition Mistakes
*Post thoughts to comments

– Congratulations to all of our FGB6 competitors – each one of you (Liz, Jenny, Snooki, Erica, Janice, Colleen, Kaz)  did an awesome job on Saturday! Also, thanks to everyone that came out to show some CFA family love for our FGB-ers! You can find pictures from FGB6 on our Facebook page.

AMLI BootCamp
Erika S
Renee S
Jason S
Tara S
Liz S
Josh S
Level 1-AM


Jewels 2:19
Alyson 2:10
Cynthia 2:29
Shane 2:08
Colin 2:28
Jackie 2:29
Jaime 2:20
Level 2-AM Lines
Mego 27 (45lb)
Nick 38 (135lb)
Beast 33 (55lb)
Mikey 42 (95lb)
Kavi 45 (75lb)
Tow Matt 36 (95lb)
Ballet 47 (65lb)
MG Jenny 30 (35lb)
Aubrey 29 (45lb)
Walker 31 (63lb)
Melody 30 (25lb)
Ginger 24 (25lb)
Ray 40 (95lb)
Tristy 41 (63lb)
Cat 37 (45lb)
Level 2-PM
Gilbert 59 (135lb)
Randy ? (95lb)
“G” 39 (55lb)
Stephanie 43 (55lb)
Emily 29 (45lb)
Winner 41 (50lb)
Jon 48 (185lb)
Stacey 51 (115lb)
Leigh 51 (115lb)
Boone 51 (115lb)
Turk 51 (45lb)
Jesse 46 (75lb)
Elena 40 (25lb)
Uzi 45 (95lb)
Jerry 45 (115lb)
Carissa 43 (65lb)
Big Shug 31 (35lb)
Sanchez 52 (115lb)
Dain 47 (115lb)
Lana 43 (35lb)
Megan 49 (55lb)
Zoom 49 (55lb)
Cantu 48 (135lb)
Kirk 47 (115lb)
Level 1-PM
Marco 1:47
Jess 2:04
Leah 2:25
Chrissy 2:03
Margarita 2:04
Josie 2:20
Jenna 2:14
KT 2:01
Danny 1:35
Tony 1:54
Jonathan 1:46
Bryan 1:48