WOD 9/19
A. 12:00 Alt. EMOM
odd: 3-5 UB Ring Push-ups/Dips/ Muscle-ups
Even: 3-5 UB Deadlifts
*DL is perfect reps, unbroken set, quality over weight, build over the course of the 6 sets
B. 3 Rounds @ 80-85% effort
8 KB Swings @ 24K / 16K
12 Burpees
rest 3:00
3 Rounds @ 80-85% effort
8 KB Swings @ 24K / 16K
12 Burpees
Extra Credit /Cool down
15:00 Walk/Run, Row, Bike (easy effort)
3 Rounds
5 Scap Pull-ups
5 Ws, Ys, and Ts
Handstand Skills Class tomorrow at 11:00 am with Coach Lindsey and Coach Gen!