WOD 9/2

A.18:00 EMOM
Min 1- 6-8 UB Russian KBS
Min 2- 6-8 UB RIng Push-ups or Ring Dips (Strict)
Min 3- 10-20 UB Double Unders

B. 4 Rounds @ 90-100% effort
8 UB Push Jerk
300 M Run
Rest 3:00

*Build weight each set, must be unbroken
*Record jerk weight

Extra Credit / Cool Down
15:00 Walk/Run, Row, Bike (easy effort)

3 Rounds
5 Scap Pull-ups
5 Ws, Ys, and Ts

 “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” -Jim Rohn


Mitch 100
Gage 145
Melanie 70
Brian 115
Kate 55
Sarah 65
Vy 75
Kevin 85
Megan 65
Lane 130
Dayna 90
Jose 130
Lori 65
Silas 105
Ray 125
Isaiah 150
Nicole 70
Mercy 50
Jenny 70
Madison 80
Mer 75
Staci 65
Valeria 35
Joy 30
Dustin 95
Brooks 145
Andy 125