WOD 9/2
A.18:00 EMOM
Min 1- 6-8 UB Russian KBS
Min 2- 6-8 UB RIng Push-ups or Ring Dips (Strict)
Min 3- 10-20 UB Double Unders
B. 4 Rounds @ 90-100% effort
8 UB Push Jerk
300 M Run
Rest 3:00
*Build weight each set, must be unbroken
*Record jerk weight
Extra Credit / Cool Down
15:00 Walk/Run, Row, Bike (easy effort)
3 Rounds
5 Scap Pull-ups
5 Ws, Ys, and Ts
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” -Jim Rohn
Scores | |
Mitch | 100 |
Gage | 145 |
Melanie | 70 |
Brian | 115 |
Kate | 55 |
Sarah | 65 |
Vy | 75 |
Kevin | 85 |
Megan | 65 |
Lane | 130 |
Dayna | 90 |
Jose | 130 |
Lori | 65 |
Silas | 105 |
Ray | 125 |
Isaiah | 150 |
Nicole | 70 |
Mercy | 50 |
Jenny | 70 |
Madison | 80 |
Mer | 75 |
Staci | 65 |
Valeria | 35 |
Joy | 30 |
Dustin | 95 |
Brooks | 145 |
Andy | 125 |
Kristi | |