WOD 9/20

Level Two

A1. Back Squat x10x3 @ 60-70% rest :90
A2. Kip Pull-ups x4-6×5 rest :90
B1. RDL x5x3 by feel rest :90 B/t sets
B2. Push-ups x10-12×3 Rest :90
C1. Reverse Crunch x10x3 rest :45
C2. Tic Tacs x15/sidex3 rest :45

Level One (Day 11)

Knee to Elbows/Toes to Bar
Handstand Holds

7 Minute AMRAP:
7 Box Jumps (step down)
7 Push-ups
21 Singles

He is able who thinks he is able.Buddha

Kurt Harris 12 step Revision
*Post thoughts to comments

– Congratulations to CFA FGB6 participants Jenny, Snooki, Liz, Janice, Erica, Colleen, Kaz  and everyone else who showed up on Saturday! Everyone did an amazing job and raised money and awareness for some great causes! To see more, check out our facebook page.

Janice “fighting back” @ FGB6 with Erica

AM- Level 1
Cindy 3
Rhae 4
AM- Level 2
Erica S
MG Jenny S
Kavi Fr 14:20
MegO S
Matthew S
Michael S
9am S
Nick S
Cody S
Melicious S
Peter S
Walker S
Jenny S
Turk Freestyle
Darlene F 15:50
Carissa S
Jerry W 15Rx
Sanchez F 16:13
Big Shug F 21:49
Megan F 17:10
Zoom F 17:16
Amy S
Mad Dog S
Schittone F 13:36
David W 15Rx
Kirk S