WOD 9/20

All Levels
For Quality
3 Rounds
5 Wall Squats
5 Goblet Squats
10 Air Squats
10 YD DB Bear Crawl
*:03 Pause at the bottom of each squat r

20:00 Alt. EMOM
Even: 3 DB Get-ups/ Leg
Odd: 3 Partner Pull-ups

10 Rounds
5 Russian KB Swings
200 M Run

silverstalone and norris


All Levels – AM
Sean 12:40
Courtney 16:00
Maureen 13:24
Humberto 11:52
Tineke 14:06
Roland 16:56
Jose 14:21
Sarah 13:57
Shelby 11:49
Meridith 14:48
Mayela 13:26
Silas 17:11
Tow Matt 13:03
Jeff 12:46
Mercy 19:37
Suzi 14:47
Michele 20:36
Julia 14:28
Madison 14:37
Andy 15:58
Missy 16:30
Mer 15:31
Corn Dog 16:17
All Levels – Noon
Gil 11:40
Kat 12:45
Tanner 13:31
Avtar 12:53
Jared 12:55
Ganesh 13:06
Bianca 13:44
Nancy 13:50