WOD 9/22

Level Two

Bar Muscle-ups or Chest to Bar pull-up progressions

3 Rounds (Not for Time):
10 Strict Pull-ups
10 Perfect Burpees
10 Box Jumps (Step down)
*Post notes to comments

Level One (Day 12)

KB swings

A. Hip/Hang Snatch x2x3 rest :90
B. Clean x1x3 Rest 2:00
C. DL 3×3 rest 2:00
D. Back Squat x5x3 rest 2:00

What the Average American Eats in One Year
“They can conquer who believe they can.” Vergil

– Congrats to Colleen Legge, who placed 3rd overall in her division at FGB6 with a whopping 331!!! Way to go!
– Mark your calendars!!! October 15th we will be celebrating the opening of our new space with a “Fall Fit Fest.” This event will also be a fundraiser for the American Red Cross of Central Texas and the recent victims of the Central Texas fire disaster. If you like free workouts, silent auctions, raffles, games for kids, CrossFit challenges for adults, food & beverages, costume contests, and much more(!!!), then we want you to plan for a fun-filled day with your CrossFit Austin family! More details can be found on facebook or on our website. *Those interested in attending Barbells for Boobs will be able to do both – we promise!

Colleen and Kaz, teaming up against the wall ball wall

Level 1- AM
Cindy S
Alyson S
Edward S
Jewels S
Colin S
Valyn S
Chapel S
Level 1-Noon
Aaron S
Level 2-PM
“G” S
Melody S
Sherman S
Tasha S
Courtney S
Crash S
Cat S
Sanchez S
Walker S
Turk S
Lane S
Dayna S
Andrew S
Stacey S
Leigh S
Level 1-PM
Leah S
Vanessa 51
Bryan 69
Margarita 52
Jonathan 47
Katie 49
Chrissy 56
Jenna 50
Josie 39
Dan 52