WOD 9/24

Push-up Challenge Day 42
Buy in: 8400/4200
Push-ups for the day: 200/100

“2/3 Total”


Opportunities multiply as they are seized. -Sun Tzu

Wounded Warrior Project

– We have raised $760 of $1500 for Fight Gone Bad, we have two more days to raise money.  If you’ve watched the posted videos this week you know its for a great cause.

Fight Gone Bad will be 8 AM to Noon on Saturday at The Long Center we have 10 people competing and we would love for everyone to come out and show there support (No 10 AM class on Saturday).

– Happy Hour tonight @ Little Woodrows after the On-Ramp class!

AM Results Deadlift Press
Kristin 140lb 75lb
Jerry 205lb 125lb
Blake FGB Prep
Rob FGB Prep
Laura 175lb 80lb
Tow Matt 205lb 130lb
Amber 150lb 65lb
Kim 135lb 55lb
Tara 135lb 55lb
AM Results Deadlft Press
Dave 190lb 125lb
Tristy N/A 75lb
Big Matt 255lb 170lb
Ashley 160lb 70lb
Smeth 325lb ?
Julie 135lb 60lb
Louis Skill 85lb
On Ramp
Will 5:02
Brian 4:50
Chris 6:15
Joe 5:04
John 5:11
Ashlee 5:22
Courtney 5:43