WOD 9/25

Level Two
Agility Drill Warm-up
(15:00 Steady of Movement)

In 15:00
15 KB Press/ Arm
30 Horizontal Ring Rows
*Break into small as sets, as needed

Deadlift @ 45%
Box Jump w/ step-down (24”, 20”)

Level One

Jump Progressions

A. Front Squats x5x4 (Work up in Weight) Rest 2:00

6 Rounds of 1:00 AMRAP
5 Box jumps
5 Wall Ball
100M Skip
Rest :30
*Record Total Reps 

The search for a baldness cure
*Post thoughts to comments

“‘If you think you can’t, you won’t, and if you think you can, you will.’ When I’m tired at practice, I tell myself that I’m not tired,and I can push through. If you tell yourself you’re tired or if you tell yourself you’re sick, your body is going to follow the mind.” – Kellie Wells


  • Have you checked out our inventory of Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes?  More info here.
  • Be sure to vote for your favorites in the T-Shirt Design Contest! Learn more here.
  • Changes to a few of our specialty programs will go into effect on October 1st. Read about them here.
  • The first CrossFit Classics event is this Friday at CFA! Learn more here

AM – Level 1 Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Rnd 3 Rnd 4 Rnd 5 Rnd 6
Anna (10+50m) (10+50M) 1 (10+50M) (10+50M) (10+50M)
Leslie (10+50M) (10+50M) 1 (10+50M) (10+50M) (10+50M)
Erich (10+50M) (10+50M) (10+50M) (10+50M) (10) (10+50M)
Robert (10+50M) (10+50M) (10+50M) (10+50M) (10+50M) 1
Dakota (10+50M) (10+50M) (10) (10) (10) (10)
AM – Level 2
Leah 5:18 Rx
MegO 5:51 (18″)
LaRosa 6:12 Rx
JV 6:32 Rx
Ivan 6:38 Rx
Alex 7:52 Rx
Guthrie 6:33 Rx
Turk 5:15 Rx
Ryan 4:50 Rx
Zac 5:29 Rx
Michele 5:36 (18″ SU)
Erica 6:06 Rx
Caitlin 6:09 Rx
Schittone 5:43 Rx
Ballet 5:57 Rx
Gilbert 7:40 Rx
Bradley 4:45 Rx
Ray 4:13 Rx
Jables 5:25 Rx
AM – Ladies’
Jenny 4:43 Rx
LV 6:26 Rx
Emily 6:10 MOD
12p – Level 1
Maya 1 1 1 1 1 1
Shannon K 1 1 1 1 1 1
Shannon C 1 1 (+1) 1 1 1 1 (+3)
Snick 1 1 (+1) 1 (+2) 1 (+2) 1 (+3) 1 (+6)
49er 1 1 (+3) 1 (+4) 1 (+3) 1 (+4) 1 (+5)
Dixie 1 1 1 1 1 1
Mer 1 1 1 1 1 1
Michelle 1 1 (+2) 1 (+1) 1 (+2) 1 (+4) 1 (+5)
Anne 1 1 1 1 1 1
Heidi 1 1 1 1 1 1
PM – Level 2
Marissa 4:53 Rx
Mrs. Fro 7:47
Fro 5:06 Rx
Kiehler 4:10 Rx
Crash 8:06 Rx
Sherman 7:32 (SUs)
Cat 7:05 Rx
Araceli 6:00
Derek 7:29
Dayna 3:35 Rx
Janss 3:35 Rx
Lane 4:15 Rx
Nic 4:18 Rx
Blake 6:02 Rx
Holly 4:20 Rx
Pam 6:28 Rx
E-Rod 5:43 Rx
Marky Marc 5:30 Rx
Gil 6:39 Rx
Wade 6:00 Rx
Diana 3:38 Rx
Sean 5:11 Rx
Andrew 5:59 Rx
Jeanette 5:46
Clint 5:03 Rx
Sanchez 5:45 Rx
Andy 5:48 Rx
Cowboy 6:00 Rx
Chrissy 6:20 Rx
KT 3:51 (SUs)
Evil 6:42 Rx
Liz G 6:00 (SUs)
Money 6:22 Rx
Jason 4:21 Rx
Melissa 4:14 (MOD)