WOD 9/27

Level Two
A1. Press x5x3 50%+Chains Rest 1:00
A2. Horizontal Ring Rows x5x3 Rest 1:00
*Lower for up to :30 on the last rep
B. Squat x10x3 (find 10 RM in the Squat)
C. Good Morning x5x3

Level One


A1. Hip Hinge Y, T, L , W (Plates) x5/ea pos.x4, Rest :30
A2. Pull ups x5x4 Rest 1:00 

10:00 AMRAP
200 M Run
5 Burpees
10 DB Thrusters
*Total Rounds + Reps recorded

The Alcohol Manifesto
*Post thoughts to comments

“As simple as it sounds, we all must try to be the best person we can: by making the best choices, by making the most of the talents we’ve been given.” – Mary Lou Retton


  • Have you checked out our inventory of Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes?  More info here.
  • Be sure to vote for your favorites in the T-Shirt Design Contest! Vote here.
  • Changes to a few of our specialty programs will go into effect on October 1st (Monday). Read about them here.
  • The first CrossFit Classics event is this Friday at CFA! Learn more here 

AM – Level 1
Mark 5
Leslie 4
Kandaace 3
Anna 4
Brandon 3
King 3
Gabriel 3
Erich 3
AM – Level 2
Sparker S
Can2 S
Big Spoon S
Zac S
Alex S
Leah S
MegO S
Schittone S
Tow Matt S
Money S
Nicole S
Michael S
Michele S
Todd S
Ray S
AM – Ladies’
Jenny S
Taylor S
Josie S
Emily S
Mer S
12PM – Level 1
David I 5
Cameron 5
Linzi 4
Avtar 4
49er 4
Snick 4
Caroline 4
Jonathan 5
Letty 3
Shannon 3
PM – Level 2
Marissa S
Sanchez S
Dayna S
Gil S
Krista S
Fro S
Mrs. Fro S
Kaz S
Marky Marc S
E-Rod S
Jeanette S
Lane S
Gary S
Wade S
Kavi S
Andy S
Patti S
Missy S
PM – Level 1
Jack 5
Javier 2
Angelica 4
Jen 3
Davy 3
M-n-M 4
Chris 5
Tristan 3
Twin 4
Liz G 3