WOD 9/29

Level Two

A1. Handstand Push-ups 1-3-5-1-3-5 Rest :45
A2. Hollow Rocks x5x6 rest :90
B1. Strict Pull-ups x6-8×4 rest :45
B2. Double Unders 15-20-25-30 rest :90

Level One (Day 3)

Back Squat

A1. Back Squats x5x3 32X1 rest :30
A2. Seated DB Ext. Rotation x10-12×3 rest :60
B1. DB Press x6-8×3 Rest 1:00
B2. RDLs x4-6x 3 @ 4111 rest 1:00
C. Ab exercise of choice x30 reps

Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action. –Benjamin Disraeli

Is Junk Food Really Cheaper?
*Post thoughts to comments

– Mark your calendars!!! We will be celebrating the opening of our new space with a “Fall Fit Fest.” This event will also be a fundraiser for the American Red Cross of Central Texas and the recent victims of the Central Texas fire disaster. Sign yourself and your friends and family up here for the free workouts. More details can be found on facebook or on our website. *Those interested in attending Barbells for Boobs will be able to do both – we promise!
– Chad Vaughn’s 4-week Olympic Lifting Class starts TODAY (Thursday 9/29)! The class is designed to teach athletes the fundamentals of the snatch and clean and jerk. You can sign up and find more information on our website.

Thanks, Ivan Moreno, for this awesome sketch!
We hope you have a speedy recovery from your knee injury!

Level 1 AM
Cindy S
Elizabeth S
Rhae S
Edward S
Alyson S
Melanie S
Colin S
Caitlyn S
Brenda S
Pantera S
Matt S
Chapel S
Level 2 AM
Ty S
Janice S
Mego S
Snooki S
Mad Dog S
Yoon Sin S
9am S
Colleen CF Mom
MG Jenny S
Tow Matt S
Michael S
Level 1 PM
Big Shug S
Vanessa S
Bryan S
Jewels S
Alonzo S
Leah S
Lance S
Level 2 PM
Kristin S
Aaron S
Sanchez S
Dillard S
David S
Betsy S
Sherman S
Jables S
Randy S
Gilbert S
Jerry S
Can2 S
Stephanie S
Chaz S
Liz S
Erica S
Level 1 Pm
Dan S
Jonathan S
Tony S
Chrissy S
Pinkie S
Margarita S
Cynthia S