WOD 9/3

30 Minutes find a team 2 RM Push Press
*Every team members must get a weight, best bar can only move up in weight


10 Minutes AMRAP
5 CTB Pull-ups
5 Hip Snatch (75 lbs, 55 lbs)
50 YD Run
*Total team reps recorded (Run = 5 reps)
*Total Score = Weight+Reps

– LABOR DAY:  Monday, Sept. 5th, we will be running a limited schedule due to the holiday.  We will be having classes at 9:00am and 10:00am.
–  Starting THIS week there will be some changes to the CFA Class Schedule.  We will be adding an additional 5:30pm Level One class to the schedule on Mon, Wed and Thurs!
–  Starting NEXT week, our Mon. and Wed. noon Level One class will be moving to Tues. and Thurs.
–  If you are interested in jumping over boxes, climbing across pull-up bars and possibly learning to run up walls, then sign up
here for a FREE Parkour Class at CFA on Sept. 3rd from 11:30-12:30pm.

Jerry & AG 562.5
Winner & Dan 340.5
J & Mark 380
Nick & Geno 631
Ivan & Danny 575
Dan & Aaron 490
Shane & Jonathan 340
Jessica B. & Yoon Sin 243
Zoom, Tristy & Kristin 471
Leigh & Stacey 487
Pantera & Betsy 410
Katie & Jenna 305