WOD 9/3
A. 9:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 4-8 Strict HSPU or 3 Negatives w/ 4 second descent
Min 2- 2-4 L-Sit Chin-up or :30-:40 L-Sit Hold
Min 3 – 10 total Corner Wipers
B. Strict Press
x5 reps x3 sets @ 50, 60, 70%
x3x3 @ 85-90% (choose the same wt for all 3 sets, no failed reps)
x10x1 @ 55-65%
Rest :90-2:00 between sets
C. E2O2
Back Squat x3x6 by feel
1 Set Max Reps @ 5 RM, 30X1
*Strictly adhere to tempo, 3 down right back up, one breath at the top and right back down
Extra Credit / Cool Down
3 Rounds
10 Supermans
10/leg Back Plank w/ leg lifts
“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.” -Aristotle