WOD 9/4

Level Two
In 15:00:

30 Strict Chin-ups
30 V-ups
*Break into as small sets as needed
*If you cannot do one strict chin-up, utilize a spotter and do 3×10
*Alternate grips each set 

3 Rounds
10 Burpees
200 M Run
10 OVHD Squat (115 lb, 75 lb)
200 M Complex (Slide Down Skip Back)
*Time Recorded
*Goal: 15:00-20:00 Minutes

Level One (TEST DAY)

Jump Progression Review
KB Swing Russian to OVHD

1 Mile Run
Front Plank Test

“It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.” – Seneca


  • The Strength+Beauty Challenge is coming to CrossFit Austin! Check it out.
  • We are still looking for volunteers for the Athlete Open on 9/8/12. Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes!  More info here.
  • Have you heard about the “We the People” Fundraiser? Learn more here.

AM – Level 1 Mile Plank
Robert 7:37 1:39
Leslie 7:47 1:39
Ginger 11:39 1:39
Zac 5:52 3:00
M 8:19 2:01
Eric 8:22 2:01
AM – Level 2
Leah 12:42 (45lb)
JV 12:51 (37lb)
Valyn 14:03 (35lb)
Tim 14:35 Rx
Guthrie 14:40 (45lb)
Sparker 15:31 (35lb)
Mike 15:34 (95lb
MegO 15:41 (37lb)
Paiman 16:19 (45lb)
KJ 14:02 (35lb)
AJ 12:48 (75lb)
Tow Matt 12:53 (95lb)
Bradley 10:27 Rx
Michael 11:18 Rx
Ballet 10:07 (95lb)
Liz G 16:52 (25lb)
James 13:50 (75lb)
Ray 11:51 (95lb)
AM – Ladies’
Mer 14:40 (35lb)
Krista 12:36 (35lb)
Naomi 12:20 (45lb)
LV 13:54 (MOD)
Taylor 14:01 (MOD)
12P – Level 1
Avtar 1:52 (Row)
Snick 8:10
49er 7:50
Cyrus 7:53
Martin 6:10
PM – Level 2
ABC 15:45
Marissa 11:44 Rx
Mitch 14:34
E-Rod 17:55 (95lb)
Andrew 10:30 (95lb)
Holly 13:38 (65lb)
Tasha 14:16 (40lb)
Elena 13:49 (15lb)
Shug 18:03 (45lb)
Marky Marc DNF
JP 14:40 (95lb)
Jenna 11:23 (37lb)
Josie 18:30 (35lb)
Evil 18:36 (35lb)
Sanchez 11:46 (95lb)
Chrissy 14:46 (45lb)
Diana 12:56 Rx
LaRosa 15:55 (45lb)
KT 17:00 (35lb)
Wade 14:54 (95lb)
Kiehler 11:08 (95lb)
George 11:46 (65lb)
Melissa 11:43 (25lb)
Nicole 11:25 (37lb)