WOD 9/4

Performance – Week 1 of 8 Strength and Aerobic Base
10:00 Alt. EMOM
Even: 4 Goblet Squats @ 60X0
Odd: 4 Ring Rows @ 60X0

A. Push Press x3x5 Rest :90
*Weights recorded
3 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
20 Wall Ball
5 Rounds
:30 Band Walks (alt. Forward and Lateral)
:30 Rest
:30 Pigeon Stretch :15/leg
:30 Rest

Kip Pull-ups

A. 5 mins of 30 sec Kip or Jumping Pull-ups / 30 sec Jump Rope

B. 5 mins of 30 sec DB/KB OH Reverse Lunges / 30 sec Jump Rope

1 Mile Run

TGU (Hip Bridge Only) x4/ea side x3

“Exercise in the morning before your brain figures out what you’re doing.” – Unknown


Foundations – AM
Chad 8:14
Erin 12:14
Dawn 9:44
Humberto 10:12
Jim row
Yvonne 8:31
Jannica 11:04
Meridith 8:50
Performance – AM
MegO 85 6:03
Gage 135 3:10
Mitch 95 4:35
Ed 95 5:00
Lee 135 4:32
Rulin 105 4:09
Ivan 155 3:21
Sissy 75 5:41
Carlos 85 4:24
Shelby 80 5:45
Jillian 80 4:29
Page 115 3:44
Tow Matt 135 5:02
Dayna 95 4:33
Kevin 75 5:26
Jose 85 4:40
Sarah 65 4:10
Ryan 135 4:35
Ray 125 3:09
Juan Carlos 115 3:01
Andre 95 4:36
Performance – Noon
Dixie 85
Dallas 155 7:50
Eric 155 4:20
Chet 165 6:44
Avtar 85 4:52
Gerald 155 4:51
Jared 155 4:46
Tineke 70 5:14
Taylor 105 5:48
Mercy 65 4:13
Foundations – PM
Sydney 10:03
Scott 8:43
Madison 9:06
Kristy 8:13
Jason 8:08
Max 4:50
Lauren 4:40
Julie 4:40
Page 5:17
Kelcey 4:49
Performance – PM
Jeri 85 5:13
Lane 145 4:21
Laurel 35 5:56
Sanchez 145 5:14
Ian 155 3:02
Gil 145 3:50
Matt 125 4:29
Pam 70 4:45
Jeanette 55 4:47
KT 70 5:17
Ed 85 5:40
Sean 95 5:51
Larry 115 4:11
Rahul 125 7:00
Keith 155 5:56
Frank 95 6:25
Brooke 85 7:00
Chad 135 5:45
Velvet 75 5:46
Carolyn 70 7:58
Kristin 80 5:30
Bianca 80 5:37
Allyson 85 6:03
Nicole 95 5:46
Keith 125 5:04
Carrie 70 9:01