WOD 9/8

Level Two

Muscle-up Progression

A1. 10-15-20-25-30 Unbroken Double Unders rest :30
A2. 5-4-3-2-1 Muscle-ups or Kip Pull-ups rest :30
rest 3:00


3 Rounds
10 Goblet squats
10 Russian Swings
*Not for time

Level One (Day6)

Front Squats

A. Lift off+DL x3+2×3 Rest :90
B. Front Squat x4x3 @ 32X3 rest :45
C1. Unweighted Step-ups x6/leg x2 rest :45
C2. Chin-ups x6-12×2 Rest :45

The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong. -Swami Vivekananda

Heart Burn
*Post thoughts to comments

– Starting this week, our Monday and Wednesday noon Level One class will move to Tuesdays and Thursdays.

– Anyone who would like to help with our move TOMORROW (Saturday) is more than welcome!!  We will be painting, putting down flooring, moving equipment and all kinds of fun stuff.  We will be providing lunch and drinks for all those who are kind enough to volunteer their time!
The Saturday classes will still meet at their regular times, but you are welcome to come early or stay late to help out and burn some extra calories!! 
– **Saturday is also an opportunity to help out the victims of the central Texas fires. Julie (“Crash”) Shamblin will be collecting donations during the “work day party” to take to the Bastrop donation center. If you have questions, feel free to talk to Crash, email caitlyn@crossfitaustin.com, or check out our Facebook event page. Thanks!
CFA will have a small but mighty presentation at FGB this year at Camp Mabry on Saturday Sept. 17. You can donate and/or register here. If you are participating this year, please email Walker (walker@crossfitaustin.com) for more information.

Fight Gone Bad WOD 9/7/11

Level One – AM
Edward S
Caitlyn S
Rhea S
Cindy S
Jules S
AM Results
Tariq 24k
Mikey 32k
Janice 16k
JV 12k
Mego 12k
Kristin 20k
Peter 32k
Colleen 16k
MG Jenny 16k
Ballet MOD
9am 24k
Michael 24k
Level One – Noon
Aaron S
Heather S
Vanessa S
Level 2 – PM Results
Betsy 16k
Tasha 16k
Jables 16k
Sherman 24k
Fro S
Gilbert 32k
Emily 12k
Kyle 24k
Level 1 – PM Results
Cynthia S
Josie S
Tony S
Margarita S
Chrissy S