WOD 9/8
A. 12:00 Alt. EMOM
odd: Snatch Complex
1 Snatch DL + 1 Hip Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch
Even: 3-5 Strict Horizontal Ring Rows @ 30X0
*Record Complex Weight
B. 8:00 EMOM
3 DL @ 65-70%
C. 6:00 @ 80-85% effort
5 Hang Power Cleans @ 135 / 95
5 Front Squat
5 Burpee Pull-ups
rest :90
6:00 @ 80-85%
10 Tic Tacs / Side
10 Half Moons
200 M Run
Extra Credit
15:00 Cool down Easy Walk / Row / Bike
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” -Winston Churchill