Spring Cleaning Competition || Benefiting GingerCare

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Spring Cleaning Clean and Tire Flip Contest
Hosted by CrossFit Austin
Benefiting GingerCare
Spring Cleaning will feature two individual events.
1. 1 rep max Clean
2. Max tire flips in 1:00.
Each athlete will be scored and ranked in each workout according to total weight lifted, Sinclair Formula (weight lifted relative to body weight), and total tire flips completed. The athlete’s with the lowest overall rankings in their respective divisions will be declared Champion!
May 9th, 2015 9 AM – Noon
CrossFit Austin
8708 S. Congress Ste. C300
Austin, TX
30 Male Spots Available [20 Rx, 10 Scaled]
30 Female Spots Available [20 Rx, 10 Scaled]
We will also be offering a Mens and Womens scaled division with lighter tire flip weights.
[Entry Fee]
$60 – A portion of the proceeds will be donated to GingerCare.
We will also be accepting free will donations for GingerCare online and at the event
[About GingerCare]
GingerCare specializes in matching homeless pets with the elderly in a mutually beneficial relationship that allows for stimulation and companionship amongst both, all while providing the necessary medical care for the pet. This is to include regular visits by a veterinarian or technician whom helps to assist and educate the client in caring for their pet. When the client can no longer properly care for the animal, GingerCare aids in the intake process in order to prepare the pet for a new home.