Introducing Your 2021 Iron Buffalo Recipients!

.Every year, we’ve chosen a male and female that stood out to us and exemplified the things that we look for in members of our community. We call this award The Iron Buffalo. The athletes chosen were not limited to physical ability alone, although both of these athletes are quite talented in their individual areas. The award also encompasses their ability to connect with their fellow CFA members, their continuous drive, and their commitment not only to this community, but to their own longevity, health, and overall being.

As Tim was considering the elements of this award, he turned to his own family and his own history. The Buffalo has been a symbol in his family for many years. From family homesteading a ranch in Buffalo, Texas where he and his brother made many childhood memories, to his hometown in Bartlesville, OK where Buffalo statues line the intersections of the city. Even the company he formed to purchase the gym, The Buffalo Collective, uses the symbol.

The Buffalo, in Native American culture symbolizes a spirit of abundance and friendship. As a totem it symbolizes earth-centeredness, selflessness, and the power of a team unit. The buffalo itself is a symbol of power. It has the strength the carry heavy burdens, not just physically, but in all aspects. We find all of these qualities to be what we looked for in our athletes of the year and could not be more proud to call them the Iron Buffalo recipients.

These athletes exemplify all of these amazing qualities and more. They lead by example. They work hard. Their family and friends are a priority in their lives and they uplift and encourage those around them. We are so honored to share the interviews of our 2021 Iron Buffalo recipients, Annalisa Guartuche and Daniel Arrendondo. Congratulations you two! We’re grateful to have you as a part of this team and this family.




When did you join the CFA community?

I joined in 2018

What is one of your most memorable moments from your early days at CFA? Any ‘newbie’ stories you’d like to share?

My most memorable moment was not understanding the language written on the white board as coaches explained the workout at the beginning of class. Lol. I literally joined not knowing anything about CrossFit. I didn’t know what half the names of the movements were.

What is it about CFA that you love or that is different from other sports/programs you’ve tried?

The community, the atmosphere, the camaraderie at CFA is the best & makes it easier to look forward to investing time at the gym.

×What advice would you give yourself if you could go back in time to when you first started CrossFit? 

I would’ve told myself to start sooner

What was your initial reason for starting (your ‘why’)? How has that ‘Why’ changed?

My  ‘Why’ was because I needed to be active. I needed to exercise, but didn’t want to go to a traditional gym, i.g. gold’s or la fitness, & plan a workout schedule. I didn’t want to feel uncomfortable or worried about being judged. Joining CFA, there is no judgment & coaches are happy to help. Now, my ‘Why’ is, I do this because it makes me happy. 

How did you create long term fitness/CrossFit success for yourself?

I created long term success by being disciplined… because I am not always motivated. Discipline gets me up every morning, knowing I have a commitment I need to tend to.

What makes you come in and train on days when you don’t want to? 

My fellow athletes at the gym. I know we all push through to show up & that’s the dedication that we all need to see.

Recent PRs?

Recent PR was power cleaning 125. Came out of nowhere! Also, completing 9 TTB unbroken.

Current training goals?

Current training goals are to attend weightlifting classes with Dylan on Saturdays. I finally attended my first class after 3 years of me telling him, “I’ll go one day”!

Tell us about an obstacle you have had to work through in your training. How did you work through it?

Being consistent was a huge struggle for me at first. Once I switched my plan to unlimited, I told myself I’m committed to showing up everyday.

What is your cheat meal go to?

Cheat meal… there’s too many. I love me some street tacos, wings, burgers with fries… the list can go on. Haha

What does the Iron Buffalo title mean to you?

This title means/proves hard work doesn’t go unrecognized. I didn’t think I was strong enough or fast enough, but this opened my eyes and made me realize it’s about showing up and doing your best.

Thoughts upon winning the title?

Mind blown! I didn’t expect my name to be mentioned. I was literally speechless & filled with exhilaration.

How will you use your new found Buffalo Strength?

I will continue to grow & use my strength daily at home, work, & gym. I also want to be a good role model to my kiddos. Hopefully they’ll grow interests in living a healthy active life.

What are you most excited about in the upcoming year? Gym related and/or personally?

I’m most excited about the strength I want to gain this year. I’m excited about joining more comps, even if I’m in the scaled division. I’m excited about being more involved.

Leave the fine folks of CFA with some parting wisdom.

Hi all! Let’s get this show rolling! We are one at CFA!











When did you join the CFA community?

Spring 2016

What is one of your most memorable moments from your early days at CFA? Any ‘newbie’ stories you’d like to share?

When I first started, Tim always (and still) talked about setting the next goal. I first started at “health minus minus minus” and mentioned I would never be able to do RX (Performance). He would say “That’s not important.” What’s our next progression? It is progress and sustainability”. From pull-ups, to handstand push ups, to MURPH…I’m now making reality what used to seem like a just a dream. I get to decide my health and fitness journey!



What is it about CFA that you love or that is different from other sports/programs you’ve tried?

I have a family here who supports, encourages, and cheers each other on! Also there’s a knowledgeable coach at every class!

What advice would you give yourself if you could go back in time to when you first started CrossFit?

Worry less. Stick with it. Diet matters more than you think.

What was your initial reason for starting (your ‘why’)? How has that ‘Why’ changed?

Initially to get a beach body and to be able to do a pull-up. It seemed impossible. It’s now a part of my health and fitness life. I’d be very sad and unhealthy without it.

How did you create long term fitness/CrossFit success for yourself?

Investing in training sessions at the beginning helped so much. I need to sprinkle them in again. I just kept coming at least three times a week and knew that it was never going to be perfect. Perfection is an illusion, but way to keep us reaching for realistic goals.



What makes you come in and train on days when you don’t want to?

Knowing that even if I’m late, I’m going to always feel better I came. I only ever regret skipping. I never regret showing up.

Recent PRs?

230 BS ….from 140
305 DL….from 185
Hand stand push-up
45lb. Weighted pull-up
Triple unders

Current training goals?

Smoke old MURPH time
Be on time more!
Work on flexibility

Tell us about an obstacle you have had to work through in your training. How did you work through it?

I injured my wrist in thrusters and had to modify for 6 weeks. Knuckle push-ups only. Different hold for front squats. Modified press movements. It was so frustrating, but I needed to heal to be able to get it back and every coach understood and helped. I’m back to 99%.

Also losing close dad and grandma the last couple years has weighed heavily on me emotionally and at times my motivation escapes me ….BUT friends, family, the chorus and CFA keep providing the love and I appreciate you guys so much!

What is your cheat meal go to?

Steak Country basket from Dairy Queen, Honey Walnut Shrimp from Panda, Gatti’s Hamburger Pizza, apple pie minis from Pie Bar, and a cold can of Coke!

What does the Iron Buffalo title mean to you?

That the coaches have seen me progress and persevere through the ups and the downs. That I have truly found a niche of training that is successful and sustainable!



Thoughts upon winning the title?

I literally cried in my car after directing the choir concert. It was unexpected and I only hate I couldn’t be there to celebrate with y’all.

How will you use your new found Buffalo Strength?

To encourage our newbies and be a good example!

What are you most excited about in the upcoming year? Gym related and/or personally?

In-person work situation and that we have such large classes and good vibes in the gym.


Leave the fine folks of CFA with some parting wisdom.

This is your journey. You will have successes and failures and that’s ok. Some days you will challenge yourself and some days just showing up is the challenge and that’s ok too. I want to be living, laughing, dancing, singing and CrossFitting in my 80’s so I’m gonna keep showing up, live my best life, be kind and let the good times roll!


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