Barbells for Boobs!
Join CFA in supporting Barbells for Boob’s “Amazing Grace” fundraiser!
“Amazing Grace” began as a small, local fundraising event to help fund mammograms for the young women of Southern California who couldn’t afford one themselves. Thanks to a ton of support (and sweat!) from the local CrossFit community, they were able to raise $4000 and fund the very first mammogram. Now just one year after the inaugural event, over 150 CrossFit Affiliates from all over the world will be participating in this fundraiser to benefit Mammograms in Action. MIA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide funding for qualified women who need screening and/or diagnostic procedures in the prevention of breast cancer.
On Tuesday, October 26th, the WOD for all sessions will be “Grace”: 30 reps, ground to overhead, for time M: 135lbs, : 95lbs (Scaling allowed)
If you’d like to participate, you can simply show up and do the WOD. However, if you’d also like to donate to the cause (and get a nifty t-shirt), you can do so here any time this month. (Note: Register as an INDIVIDUAL unless there are more than one of you donating with a single credit card.)
100% of the proceeds of “Amazing Grace” will be donated to Mammograms In Action.
Hope to see you there! PINK attire is highly encouraged for both Ladies and Gents!