Bio-Hacks with Coach Sam || Bio-Hack #2 – Limit your Sit!
Bio-Hack #2
I trust you’ve found some rhythm with last week’s walking challenge.
Have you noticed any changes in how you feel?
Let’s move to Bio-Hack #2:
Limit your sitting time to no more than 6 hours a day.
An abundance of research shows a direct link between excessive sedentary time and increased health risks, including cardiovascular diseases and obesity. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that those who sit for prolonged periods had a higher risk of dying from all causes, even those who trained regularly in the gym (that is you).
By standing more often, we can increase our body’s energy demand, boosting our metabolism. Over a year, this can lead to significant caloric burn and subsequent weight loss.
Track how many hours a day you are sitting over the next week. Bring awareness to this key metric, and remember, small changes can lead to big results.
Keep moving. See you!
Coach Sam