CrossFit Total Day

Saturday Janury 8th in liu of our normal team workouts we will be testing everyone’s CrossFit Total (CFT)! The CFT is a test of basic strength, and work capacity in three of our core lifts.  Testing will be held from 8 AM  to 12 Noon.  Register for your time slot HERE.

The CrossFit Total will consist of 1 rep max on the following lifts:

-Back Squat

Each lift will have specific tempos, range of motion standards, and attempts.

Please do your best to attend this event, as it allows assess your progress, and will serve as a kickoff event for our first 2011 challenge “The Circle of Awesomeness Challenge” (more details to come).  Please contact with any questions.

Here at CFA we’ve been tossin out the weak sauce since 2008, come join the party!