June | Shameless Selfies @ CFA
June will be a month of shameless selfies for CFA! Here’s how it works:
Post-WOD Selfie & Check-In @ CFA via FB/Instagram
Must include: #CFASelfie6 #butfirstletmetakeaselfie & Creative Hashtag giving context to your photo/feelings/etc.
1 check-in = 1 entry
Total pot on Saturday @ noon: winner = WEEKLY PRIZE
1 winner per week, announced every Sunday for the previous weeks check-ins
1 winner at the end of the Month for a GRAND ‘OL PRIZE.
Just because you didn’t win during the week doesn’t mean you won’t get another chance. The remaining names of each weekly pot go into the big pot for the end of the month prize!
Get in here and work! #butfirstletmetakeaselfie
Here is one to get us started!