Movement Of The Week || Muscle Up Drills

Who's ready for the #crossfitopen?! We sure are! Make sure to get your #muscleup #practice in this week! Check out some of our tips and strength building exercises to help you get and stay #efficient! #CrossFit @crossfitgames #muscleups #hollowbody #intheopen Muscle-Up Transitions -Rings to Sternum Position yourself below the rings. Grab the rings and establish active shoulders and a tight midline. With a slight lean back, pull the rings toward each other and to your sternum (bottom of chest). Variations/extensions to this exercise could include a static hold at the top of the pull and/or employing a tempo on the eccentric (lowering) phase, like a negative. -Toe-nail Muscle-up Transition Position yourself below the rings. Similar to the rings to sternum drill,  but with the top of the feet touching the floor. Grab the rings and establish active shoulders and midline. With a slight lean back, pull the rings toward each other and to your sternum. Pushing through the toes, utilize as much assistance as needed to maintain proper pulling mechanics. Once the rings are to your sternum; continue the pull tracing the bottom of your chest until the rings are at your armpits, with shoulders over the rings. Variations/extensions of this drill could be done the same way with toes on a box. -Band Assisted Hip Extension with Pull This drill can be used to help understand hip extension while maintaining good body position as well as reinforce the proper timing of the pull. Set-up a band on the rings as you would in a banded ring dip. Place the band at the crease of the glutes, as if sitting on a swing. Starting point will be approximately parallel to the ground, in a hollow body position . From this position, you will squeeze your glutes and drive your heels down, eliciting an extension of the hips. The band will assist in the rise of your center of gravity. At the apex of the rise, you will practice the timing of the pull by driving your elbows behind you toward the floor and bringing the rings to your torso. Begin by focusing on one good rep at a time. Stringing these together can take time and is not necessary to receive the benefit of the drill. -Band Assisted Hip E

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