Saturday Logistics for 15.1
Whose excited? I know I am after last night incredible turn out for the Open Announcement!
Below I’ve included a run down for how we we’ll operate 15.1 tomorrow. For the TL;DR crowd here are the high points:
1. Sign up for Class now… like 5 minutes ago now.
2. Get here early there will no group warm-up
3. Be ready to judge
4. Know your weights and scaling options.
5. Have Fun
Class Times
We will run 15.1 in the 9 AM and 10 AM classes tomorrow morning. The earlier you sign up for class the more organized everything will be, so do so here asap! THE FIRST HEAT FOR EACH CLASS WILL BEGIN AT 9 AM AND 10 AM. Read that again. This means there will be no group warm-up, you will need to warm-up on your own and should get here appx. 15-20 minute early to do so.
We will run 3 heats of 10 in each class, and the tentative schedule for each heat can be found HERE. We will group everyone into groups of 3 which means one person will do the workout, one person will judge, and one person will be warming up then we’ll rotate. I will be updating the heat sheets periodically throughout the day, and tomorrow morning. So if your name doesn’t show up immediately on the heat sheet don’t freak out. Make sure to sign up ASAP to save one of the 30 spots available in each class.
Scaled, or Rx
Notice on the heat sheet you’ll be grouped as Scaled Men (S M), Scaled Women (S W), Rx Men (Rx M), or Rx Women (Rx W). Take a look at the listed scaling option and explanation of the workout HERE and HERE and be prepared to do the variation of the workout you’d like to do. If your listed on the Heat sheet in the wrong scaling option just let us know either by shooting me a quick email ( or when you get to the gym. Additionally the workout contains a 1 RM Clean and Jerk at the very end, please have a number in mind for that as you will set up your station with the appropriate weight before the workout begins.
Finally make sure you’re patient even if everything falls apart and is a total wreck we’ll make sure everyone gets 15.1 in! Most important have fun!