Test Week (Click Here for Schedule)
Monday 6/2
Thruster @ 95/65
Burpees over bar
8:00 Time Cap
Tuesday 6/3
Make-up Day/ Active Recovery Day
Wednesday 6/4
A. 1 RM Hang Squat Clean in 15:00
B. 1 RM Bench Press in 20:00
C. Bench Press: Max Unbroken Reps @ 85% of 1RM
Thursday 6/5
3:00 Max Pull-ups
3:00 rest
3:00 Max Cal Row
3:00 Rest
3:00 Power Snatches 75/45
3:00 Rest
3:00 Max 20 M Shuttle Run (10 M down, 10 M Back)
Friday 6/6
Make-up, Active Recovery Day
Saturday 6/7
20:00 AMRAP
5 Power Cleans @ 135/95
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Balls @ 20/14
Retest Week will be July 14th-19th and will follow a similar schedule. Enjoy!