Welcome Guest Coach Rebecca Black!
CFA is excited to announce that we will be hosting another guest coach for the month of July! Rebecca has been a client of or Coach Wes Kimball’s for almost 5 years now. More importantly she’s been coaching and training people to achieve their fitness goals for over 14 years! “RB” is currently a full time CrossFit coach at CrossFit Optimistic, and has been involved with CFO for the past 7 years. Rebecca will cover Monday evenings for us in the month of July!
Rebecca’s coaching background:
In her “first life” Coach Rebecca worked in the networking field for companies such as Lockheed Martin, Qwest and MCI. Unhappy with the instability of the field, she made the leap from geek to jock, and left the tech world to pursue a passion for fitness and nutrition full time. She has over a decade of fitness experience and has been a certified trainer since 2003. Rebecca loves, and is quite good at helping people incorporate fun, daily activity and healthful nutrition into their lives. She started CrossFitting in April 2010 and has found her calling, and her true home in the CrossFit community.
Rebecca holds the following certifications: CrossFit Level I and II, CrossFit Olympic Lifting, CrossFit Rowing, CrossFit Kettlebell, ISSA Certified Physical Trainer, ISSA Performance Nutrition Specialist.