Whole Life Challenge || The Journey


For those of you who’ve participated in the Whole Life Challenge with us before, things are going to look a bit different this time.

For starters, this challenge is 12 weeks long vs the regular 6 weeks. Hence, the name “The Journey.”

While the 7 daily habits are still in place (nutrition, sleep, exercise, mobility, hydration, reflection, and well-being) the focus is not so much on the points and trying to be perfect every day.

Rather, we are focusing on finding some regularity in our lives, connecting on a different level and supporting each other in creating and maintaining healthy habits without beating ourselves up when our days don’t go as planned.

Even the daily habits are adapting a bit based on our current situation. Our grocery shopping trips and for some, even the availability of certain things has changed so the nutrition portion of the challenge is gaining a bit of flexibility to accommodate. You’ll also see some of the well being practices tailored to suit our current lives.

While this is scheduled for 12 weeks, you have some freedom within that. You can go all in, choose to use this as a check in for yourself where you’re on for 2 and off for 2? Maybe you choose 1 of the 7 habits to put your energy into for each week and just cycle through. It’s really up to you. Registration will remain open for the first 6 weeks so you can join at any time up to that half way point.

We’re aiming to take the pressure off by also incorporating a weekly meal plan for anyone interested. We plan to alternate each week between a Nutrivore diet and a Plant Based diet so there is something for everyone!

The point is, this 12 week journey is meant to help us dial into ourselves, create some structure where we are lacking, but also allow the grace we need to make progress in a time like this. And we can’t forget about the accountability and connection that so many of us need! We hope you’ll consider joining us. We’ve run several of the 6 week cycles over the years and I take something new from it each time. We’re really excited to see how “The Journey” plays out.

Lastly, this challenge isn’t JUST for our members. We’re hosting a team, but if there’s someone else in your house hold, or even across the country that you would like to invite to join us, please do! Just use the link that connects directly to our team.

As always, feel free to reach out to me with question and we look forward to this adventure with you!





Starting on April 11, we’ll be opening up our first 12-week Journey. This will be different from our traditional Challenges. We’ll be approaching community, accountability and growth from an entirely new perspective.

The conditions around us aren’t always ideal. We’ve updated some of the 7 Daily Habits to help you make the best decisions you can in a dynamic environment. No matter what is happening around us, we are always on the Journey and it’s important to stay engaged with what is important, regardless of the circumstances.

Growing an ongoing community of people who are committed to long-term growth, supporting each other, and being prepared in body and mind for what the world places at our doorstep.

As a daily opportunity to continuously shape ourselves into the people we’re committed to being.

The 12-week Journey allows you more time to experiment with the 7 Daily Habits and the best way to incorporate them effectively into your life.

The extended timeframe gives you the flexibility to take the Journey at your own pace. A couple of days missed or to focus on one or two important things doesn’t eat up a large chunk of your time in it. Maybe you work 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off? Or focus on 1 habit for all 12 while cycling your focus on the other 6 habits through the duration. There are so many ways you can play this.

Rather than a “Challenge” where you aim for the best score possible or you’re “on” or “off” the wagon, the Journey invites you to take this time to connect, be committed in a new way, settle in, experiment, drill down on individual habits, learn, and grown on your own personal journey

READ MORE about this online challenge HERE