WOD 3/3

Buy In/Cash Out
:30 Monster Walks

Anaerobic Power Test
5 Attempts
200 M Sprint
Rest 7:00 between attempts

Strength Endurance Test
3 Attempts
Max Kip Pull-ups
(tested during rest between attempts 1&2, 3&4, and after 5)

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. -Ayn Rand

Setting Goals
*Post thoughts to comments

-CrossFit Austin is now offering a number of
Nutrition Services Check them out!
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information.

AM Results
200 M Total Pull-ups
Sleeves 20 sec 51
Nick 21 sec 58
Ivan 23 sec 32
Blake 22 sec 63
Melicious 29 sec 17 (WB)
Jerry 22 sec 70
J.C. 22 sec 64
Mikey 25 sec 22 (GB)
Darlene row 13
Leigh DNA 45
Ginger 41 sec 38 (J)
Sam 29 sec 22 (BB)
Fro 23 sec 32
Liz 35 sec 18
J.J. 28 sec 29
Danielle 28 sec 34 (RB)
Letty 31 sec 38 (RB)
PM Results
Cody 20s 62
Betsy 24s 46
David 25s 21
G. 27s 24
Amy 40s 16
Kirk 21s 54
Geno 21s 62
Christy 24s 53
Winner 28s 22
Colleen 30s 21
Carissa 23s 33
Alex 20s 45
Dain 23s 23
SKipper 21s 49
Joe 22s 18
Anthony 24s 16
Kristin 27s 22
Randy 25s 6
Andee 30s 36 (BB)
Jessica 28s 22 (BB)
Veronica 34s 2 (GB)
Lana 30s 21 (BB)
Jennifer 29s 40 (BB)

On Ramp

Jennifer 6:45
Kavanski 6:10
Jonicen 4:12
Erica 4:13
Hal 2:30
Jesse 2:28
Adrienne 3:36
Jon 2:21
Eric 2:24
Chris 4:22