WOD 3/4

Buy In/Cash Out
:30 Monster Walks

3 Sets
Split Squats x5/leg @30×0
1:00 Rest
DB Extensions x3-5 @30×0
1:00 Rest


10 Minute AMRAP
20 Double Unders
20 Burpees
20 Wall Balls


Powell Raises x10/arm @30×0
External Rotations x6-8/arm @30×0

It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one. -George Washington

Bands are good for more than just Monster Walks
*Post thoughts to comments

-CrossFit Austin is now offering a number of
Nutrition Services.  Check them out!
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information.

AM Results
Chaz 2 2/3 Rx
9 AM 2 (MOD)
Ginger 3 1/3 (S, Sp, 6#)
Tall D 2 2/3 Rx
Rookie 2 1/3 Rx
Kim 2 1/3 (S, 6#)
Angela 2 2/3 (S, 6#)
Ray 2 1/3 Rx
Bill 4 (MOD)
Kristin 2 2/3 (S)
Julie 2 (10#)
Chappy 1 2/3 (10#)
Letty 2 1/3 (10 #)