WOD 8/22
2 Person Teams
3 Rounds (5:00 Cap)
10 Power Snatches @ 135/95 (or appx 60% of snatch)
20 Box Jumps @ 24/20
*split work however you see fit
Rest remainder of cap time + 5 minutes, and then…
3 Rounds (5:00 Cap)
15 Push Presses @ 135/95 (or appx 60% of snatch)
15 Toes to Bar
*split work however you see fit
Rest remainder of cap time + 5 minutes, and then…
For time
Run 400 Meters
20 Bar Facing Burpees / person
Run 400 Meters
*Partner 1 runs the 1st 400m, Partner 2 runs last 400m
*Partner 1 completes 20 BF Burpees, then Partner 2 completes 20 BF Burpees
*Time/reps recorded for each section of the workout
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