WOD 9/28

A.5:00 EMOM
2 Hip Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch build 50-55%

B.16:00 E202
Power Snatch x1x8 build to 80-85%

C.15:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3 Back Squats or Box Squat
Min 2 – 3/ arm  SA Ring Row
Min 3 – Rest
*Build up throughout the sets

D. 8:00 EMOM
Min 1: 3-4 Handstand Push-up for Quality
Min 2: 5 GH Raises

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
2 Rounds
15 wall ball
200m run with medball

Farewell & Good Luck to Coach Zach!
You’ll be missed!
