WOD 9/16

Performance – Week 3 of 8 Strength and Aerobic Base
For Quality
3 Rounds
5 Wall Squats
5 Goblet Squats
10 Air Squats
10 YD DB Bear Crawl
*:03 Pause at the bottom of each squat rep

A1. Clean x2x5 at a challenging but technically sound weight  Rest :30
A2. Ground to Stand Rope Climbs x5x5 Rest :90

5 Rounds
3 DL @ 70-80%
100 YD Farmers Walks
20 Double Unders

*DB Weight Recorded

Hip Snatch

 A. Snatch x2x5
B1. Front Squat x2x5
B2. Push ups x6-8×5

Front Plank :90

“There is only one thing worse than fighting with allies and that is fighting without them.” — Winston Churchill


Foundations – AM
Performance – AM
Kara 25
Ian 45
Dallas 35
Shelby 25
Lee 35
Jillian 20
Janet 25
Humberto 20
Ryan 35
Ivan 35
Sissy 20
Ruhlin 30
Silas 25
Lane 35
Kristi 20
Sarah 20
Dayna 20
Andre 25
Jose 40
Ray 20
Performance – Noon
Dixie 30
Avtar 25
Mer 25
Spencer 35
Ganesh 35
Foundations – PM
Performance – PM
Madison 15
Jeri 20
Ryan 30
Sydney 15
Gil 35
Pam 20
Sacha 25
Chet 40
Jerry 25
Andy 30
Melissa 20
Sean 35

WOD 9/14

All Levels – Week 2 of 8 Strength and Aerobic Base
In Teams of 2-3
400 M of 5 Lunges and 5 Push Press
1600 M Relay
*Pick a weight (suggested 20-35 lb)  one person works at a time until Team covers full lap
Then immediately complete 1600 M Relay
*Record Weight Used and Time


All Levels – AM
OG’s 20:07
Legs for Days 20:45
3’s Company 27:30
Cave Women 28:45
Cave Men 28:00
Kareen 27:22
Team Aussie 24:38
Blues Bros. 29:00
C-eh-N-eh-D-eh 31:55
Kriskie 32:41

WOD 9/7

All Levels – Week 1 of 8 Strength and Aerobic Base

30:00 AMRAP
100 Walking Lunges @ 35 lb, 20 lb
100 DB Thrusters @ 35 lb, 20 lb
100 DB Snatches @ 35 lb, 20 lb
100 Box Jumps w/ Step down  @ 20 lb, 14 lb

*1 pair of DB’s per team, 1 person works at a time
*Every 2 minutes athlete run 100 M together
*Workout is over after 30 Minutes or all reps are complete


All Levels – AM
Michele 15:24
Jenny & Dayna 19:09
Lowkes & Kandace 21:34
Double “S” 23:57
Maureen & Kara 25:05
Krebs 25:35
Jamie & MegO 25:42
Team Awesome 28:00
The Beal Boyz 355 reps
Chandlers 30:00
Aaron, Frank, & Chaz 29:34
Jillian & Nicole 29:02
Heather & Rick 29:11
E-Rod & Bryan 25:25
Kristi & Jackie 29:27

Core Value Number 1 – Purposeful Training

For those of you that missed my article on CrossFit Austin’s mission and core values last week take a few minutes to read through it for context on today’s article.  Just to review here are the CrossFit Austin mission statement and core values:

CrossFit Austin: The Catalyst for Personal Evolution

  • Purposeful Training

  • Community

  • Excellence

  • Integrity

  • Fun

Today we’re going to dive into what it means to train with a purpose, and why it is at the top of the list.

Simply put, purposeful training is planned training with planned intentions for outcomes.  We understand that every person that walks through our door hopes to gain a certain outcome from the hard work that they put into their training. You know what you want and you have a simple understanding of what actions you need take to get there. It’s our job to add a purpose to those actions and make sure they’re focused in the right direction.

As we dig deeper we understand that knowing the importance of the why is just as important as the what  Having reason behind the training ensures that athletes and coaches can create an environment and support that welcomes questions and communication.  As the old cliche goes, give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. We see training in the same light. It should be a learning experience that allows athletes to not only work hard, but make intelligent decisions about their work.

Ultimately everything we do as coaches and athletes is about intention. Actions without intention lead us nowhere and since physical training is the foundational service we provide, it’s imperative that everything we ask people to do has as an intention to it, regardless of how general or specific that intention may be. Constant growth and progress over the long haul boils down to taking the correct actions based on the best intentions. This is the essence of what CrossFit Austin is here to provide, and should be the foundation of any training program.

Wes Kimball

Beyond The Bar Podcast Episode 8 – Q&A

Click to listen

On this weeks episode Aaron and Wes dive into the Snatch and matching your nutritional needs to the demands of a particular training cycle. The guys also give you the low down on several upcoming events this week including our Pub Run Friday,  The Oly/Gymnastics Seminar this weekend, and Southside Athletics!

Pub Run – Join us for this year’s Pub Run!

Oly/Gymnastics Seminar – Check out this seminar with Chad Vaughn and David Durante!

Southside Athletics – Get the break down of our new program!


CFA Welcomes Our Newest Coach: Andrew Key!

andrew key

From CFA Management:

CrossFit Austin is proud to introduce the newest member of our Coaching Staff Andrew Key.  Andrew has made the move to Austin from Dallas, where he’s spent the last 2.5 years coaching at CrossFit Dallas Central.  We’re excited to add another seasoned and experienced coach at CrossFit Austin, expect to see Andrew on bright and early on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in September!

About Andrew:

Andrew found CrossFit after his days of college football at Texas A&M and has enjoyed its benefits ever since. Through this newfound community he learned about better movement, true nutrition, and his passion. After college (and 2 years in the business world), Andrew knew this was the place for him. He’s been coaching CrossFit for over 2 years and is excited to hit the ground running with CFA!

A note from Andrew:

Since graduating from Texas A&M, I’ve become a husband and father. I enjoy drinking fine scotch, coffee and red wine. I like helping people discover the positive power that quality food possesses. I cannot wait to travel the world much more. I use fitness to keep me lethal on the sand vball court. I’m super pumped to be at CFA!

WOD 8/24

All Levels – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity
10 Rounds
500 M Row
10 Burpees
*Partner alternates rounds, each partner will complete a total of 5 rounds
*Time recorded

3 Rounds
:60 Weighted Front Plank Hold
:90 Rest
*Increase plate weight each round

All Levels – AM
Josh 28:33
Jillian/Jenny/Maureen 28:43
Mer & Janice 31:36
Larry & Brian 26:44
Val & Kristi 29:19 (4 rounds)
Nailed It 29:29
Black Eye 27:23
Sweat & Love 29:09
Chandler 30:32
Stripes 31:39

WOD 8/23

All Levels – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity
3 Rounds for Quality
10 SA OVHD Lunges
10 Ring Rows
10 Goblet Squat
*Slow and controlled on all movements

20:00 AMRAP
400 M Run
5 Push-ups
10 KBS @ 24K, 16K
15 V-ups
*Rounds Recorded

All Levels – AM
Janice 5
Mitch 5
Sarah 5
Ben 4
Jeff 6
Velvet 6.5
Page 7
Matt 6
Silas 6
Ryan 6
Jose 6.5
Andre 5.75
MegO 4.5
Mercy 3.25
Michele 4
Mer 5.25
Sanchez 5.25
Emily 3.25
Spencer 4.25
Shug 4.25
Jenn 5
All Levels – Noon
Bianca 5
Tineke 5
Ganesh 5.25
Amanda 5.5
Miller Time 4.25
Chet 4
E-Rod 4.25
Jared 5
Sean 5.75

WOD 8/22

Performance – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity
Warm-up: Medball Get-ups x5/leg x2
*Narrow as possible

A.Front Squat x1x5 @ 90-95% by feel Rest 3:00
B1. DL x2x6 @80% Rest :60
B2. WTD Dips x3x6 @ rest :90
B3. WTD Strict Pull-ups x3x6 Rest :90

A. Back Squat x3-5×5 @ 30×0
B. Press x2-3×4
C1. RDL x6-8×4
C2. Ring Rows x6-8×4

“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” -Nelson Mandela


Foundations – AM
Performance – AM
Big Spoon
Tow Matt
Ladies Class

WOD 8/21

Performance – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity 
In 10 Minutes work to a 2 RM Hip Snatch or Hip Power Snatch
5:00 EMOM 2 Hip Snatch or Power Snatch @ 90% of today
*Best Snatch Recorded

7 Rounds
:30 Max DB Power Snatch @ 55 lb, 35 lb (From Ground)
:90 Rest
*Max Reps recorded

3 Rounds
400 M Sprint
5:00 Rest

Kip Pull-ups

EMOM alternating for 12:00
odd: 2-4 Kip/Jump Pull-ups
even: 2-4 Goblet Squat

4 Rounds (Partner Workout)
250 M Row
8 Push-ups
*1 Person works at a time
*Record total time

“Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.” – Margaret Thatcher

Judy Blaz

Congratulations to Judy and Blaz on winning 1st place at the Africa Partner Competition!

Foundations – AM
WB 6:04
Freedom Rowers 7:00
Team Bad-ass 7:00
Performance – AM
Ivan 115 13
Lee 97 10
Mitch 65 16
Dave 95 12
Maureen 45 11
Janice 50 16
Gabi 65 13
Melissa 33 8
Jillian 65 15
Red 45 10
Jose 85 12
Chet 135 10
Gil 90 20
Jeff 115 12
Nelly 55 9
Ray 125 11
Performance – Noon
Tineke 60 16
Eric 95 13
Jared 95 14
Foundations – PM
Bruiser 5:51
Braves 5:12
Performance – PM
Coco 55 10
Larry 105 11
Sean 70 11
Matt 105 12
Mercy 55 13
Walter 95 12
Kinchen 85 10
Jacob 95 12
PJ 115
Mike 115
Allyson 55
Keith 95
J-Rod 105
Sarah 50
Lulu 65
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