Today Wes and Aaron dive into some fantastic questions from our Monday evening clients. Topics including a definitive statement regarding the use of bicep curls in a training program. Causes and potential fixes for patella femoral pain. A look into the benefits of submaximal training efforts, and finally a discussion on goal setting and motivation. If you have questions for the podcast feel free to email them into or post in the comments. Enjoy!
Performance – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity
For Quality
Front Squats @135 lb, 95 lb
CTB Kip Pull-ups
8 Rounds
5 Lunges/leg
5 V-ups
5 Push-ups
100 M Suit Case Carry
*Time Recorded
Hip Cleans
A. Hip Clean + Push Press
10:00 AMRAP
8 KB Swings
8 DB Push Press
300 M Run
C. Ring High Fly’s Ys & Ts x8/ea pos. x2
“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.” – Muhammad Ali
Foundations – AM | |
Scott | 3.5 |
Humberto | 4 |
Jim | 2 2/3 |
Josh | 3 |
John | 3 |
Courtney | 3 |
Jordan | 3 |
Valeria | 3 |
Jannica | 3 |
Yvonne | 3 |
Meridith | 3.75 |
Josh | 7 |
Performance – AM | |
Kristi | |
Gage | |
Ed | |
Maureen | |
Jenny | |
Lisa | |
Ivan | |
Jillian | |
Steve | |
Joseph | |
Page | |
Tow Matt | |
Red | |
Jose | |
Silas | |
Ray | |
Nelly | |
Ladies Class | |
Jill | |
Heather | |
Josie | |
Sarah | |
Mer | |
Lulu | |
Performance – PM | |
Jared | 15:58 |
Gil | 18:05 |
Chet | 22:18 |
Jeri | 20:07 |
Miller Time | 22:55 |
Larry | 18:21 |
Jeanette | 20:55 |
Amanda | 19:48 |
ABC | 20:25 |
Andy | 21:00 |
Evil | 21:21 |
KJ | 16:18 |
C2 | 19:30 |
Cassie | 18:49 |
Paul | 18:15 |
Velvet | 15:58 |
Janet | 17:38 |
Missy | 19:30 |
J-Rod | 15:59 |
Allyson | 16:39 |
Carrie | 18:44 |
Kristi | 16:45 |
Keith | 15:50 |
Performance – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity
A. RDL + Hip Clean x3x6 rest :90 by feel
10 Rounds
200 M Run
5 Overhead Squats @ 95 lb, 65 lb
*Time Recorded
2 Rounds
10 V-ups
10 total Single Arm Walking Lunges
A1. Strict Pull-ups x3x5
A2. Thruster x5x5
B. 1 Mile Time Trial
2 Rounds
: 90 Side Planks
20 MB Sit ups
“Life is like a hamstring…you’ve got to load it before you push through it.” -Leigh LeGare
Foundations – AM | |
Jim | – |
Bryan | 10:09 |
Humberto | 9:01 |
Monica | 12:05 |
Jonathan | 9:09 |
Dawn | 10:31 |
Toanna | 8:00 |
John | 13:55 |
Josh | 6:50 |
Andre | 6:50 |
Performance – AM | |
Lee | 18:11 |
Ken | 18:42 |
Sam | 16:50 |
Mitch | 15:10 |
Big Spoon | 17:27 |
Ed | 15:57 |
Tow Matt | 17:05 |
Red | 18:15 |
Jose | 15:55 |
Sarah | 16:42 |
Jillian | 15:45 |
Jeff | 15:00 |
Joseph | 14:57 |
Nelly | 18:31 |
Performance – Noon | |
Wood | 14:22 |
Mer | 15:52 |
Tina | 14:30 |
Emilio | 14:26 |
Foundations – PM | |
Sean | 6:04 |
Ed | 8:58 |
Andrea | 10:28 |
Conal | 10:38 |
Jillian | 11:38 |
Emmy | 9:27 |
Vance | 8:08 |
Jason | 8:24 |
Jessica | 9:27 |
Max | 10:57 |
Lauren | 8:24 |
Emily | 9:22 |
Performance – PM | |
Jeri | 17:16 |
Gil | 19:10 |
Amanda | 17:13 |
STD | 16:43 |
E-Rod | 20:38 |
KT | 23:11 |
Coco | 22:39 |
ABC | 20:09 |
Sean | 14:51 |
Janet | 17:12 |
Sanchez | 16:22 |
C2 | 18:45 |
Missy | 18:50 |
Shug | 20:35 |
Jen | 16:45 |
Nicole | 16:30 |
Cassie | 17:46 |
PJ | 14:48 |
Paul | 16:48 |
Keith | 17:00 |
Larry | 15:26 |
Ruhlin | 14:30 |
All Levels
3 Rounds
800 M Run
25 Step-ups/leg
25 Back Squats @ 135 lb, 95 lb
25 DB Push Press @ 35 lb, 20 lb
*Partners must stay together the whole workout (including run)
*Partners complete reps in any order, athletes can’t move on to new exercise until both partners are finished with current exercise
*one barbell, box, and set of DBs per team
“Success is about having, excellence is about being. Success is about having money and fame, but excellence is being the best you can be.” – Mike Ditka
All Levels
For Quality
9 Rounds
5 Walking Lunges/leg (OVHD or Goblet Positions)
5 Push Press/Arm
5 Goblet Squats
5 Russian KBS
*Pick a weight that allows great movement quality and consistency
4:00 AMRAP
10 No Push-up Burpees
10 Step-ups/leg @ 16-20″
Rest 1:00
4:00 AMRAP
10 Box Jump w/ Step Down
10 Kip or Jumping Pull-ups
Rest 1:00
4:00 Max Calorie Rox
“The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.” – Vince Lombardi
All Levels – AM | |||
Mitch | 60 | 60 | 52 |
Kara | 60 | 80 | 43 |
Melissa | 80 | 80 | – |
Sam | 85 | 51 | 45 |
Sissy | 60 | 58 | 30 |
Suzi | 44 | 39 | 55 |
Humberto | 50 | 50 | – |
Maryhelen | 70 | 50 | 46 |
Lee | 55 | 55 | 45 |
Ivan | 67 | 60 | 54 |
Page | 76 | 65 | 54 |
Velvet | 60 | 46 | 35 |
Roland | 52 | 28 | 48 |
Joseph | 60 | 50 | 54 |
Jillian | 51 | 62 | 48 |
Andre | 50 | 50 | 61 |
Jose | 70 | 40 | 60 |
Nicole | 56 | 65 | 43 |
Tow Matt | 57 | 58 | 58 |
Mercy | 50 | 55 | 26 |
Chet | 35 | 41 | 44 |
Pam | 44 | 41 | 36 |
Nelly | 38 | 60 | 29 |
Mer | 72 | 48 | 46 |
KJ | 76 | 66 | 46 |
Missy | 62 | 86 | 45 |
Emily | 75 | 75 | 55 |
Allyson | 60 | 56 | 52 |
Keihler | 30 | – | 70 |
All Levels – Noon | |||
Sean | 50 | 50 | 67 |
Tineke | 60 | 87 | 42 |
Gil | 40 | 62 | 43 |
Jackie | 50 | 45 | 38 |
Ian | 70 | 80 | 84 |
Hey CFA! Our Podcast “Beyond The Bar” is now live in the iTunes store! It is free to listen, download, and subscribe. Just search in the podcast section of the iTunes store for “Beyond The Bar” or subscribe under the advanced menu options to Happy Listening!
Performance – Week 6 of 8 Work Capacity
Warm-up: OVHD Squat x15x2
*Narrow as possible
A. Front Squat Waveload 3-2-1-3-2-1 by feel Rest 2:00
*work to a challenging weight – try to set a new PR
B. DL x3x5 @ 80% Rest :60
C1. WTD Dips x3x5 @ Rest :90
C2. WTD Strict Pull-ups x3x5 Rest :90
20:00 AMRAP
500 M Row
5 V-ups
5 Box Jumps
*Rounds recorded
“One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team.” – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Foundations – AM | |
Josh | 3 2/3 |
Jim | 3 |
Jonathan | 4 |
Raj | 4 |
Dawn | 3 2/3 |
Humberto | 4 |
Josh | 5 |
Shaum | 4 |
Val | 3 |
Jeff | 3 |
Jannica | 3 |
Performance -AM | |
Gage | |
Jenny | |
Ivan | |
Carlos | |
Ken | |
Janice | |
Big Spoon | |
Kristi | |
Joseph | |
Tow Matt | |
Jessie | |
Lisa | |
Sarah | |
Silas | |
Ed | |
George | |
Michele | |
Nelly | |
Ray | |
Ladies Class | |
Emily | |
Heather | |
Josie | |
Mer | |
Foundations – Noon | |
Mercy | 3 + 135m |
Foundations – PM | |
Ed | 5 |
Whitney | 4 |
Jillian | 4 |
Emmy | 5 |
Emily | 5 |
Lauren | 5 |
Vance | 4 |
Chris | 6 |
Performance – PM | |
Dixie | |
Sean | |
Jeri | |
Gil | |
Sanchez | |
Ian | |
Michael | |
Taylor | |
Andy | |
Evil | |
Velvet | |
Darrel | |
Kristin | |
Larry | |
Can2 | |
Carrie | |
Amanda | |
C2 | |
KJ | |
Denise | |
Keith | |
Chrissy | |
Missy |
Today we welcome Mahdi Te Heuheu aka “Mudz” to CrossFit Austin! Mudz is visiting CFA from his home in New Zealand, and will be hanging out for the next 2 weeks. Mudz finished the Australian Regional of the CrossFit Games in 7th place and has been working with CFA Director of Training Aaron Davis for the past year. In this episode we get a closer look of the evolution, and work ethic of one of the fittest Kiwi’s on the planet!
Don’t miss the upcoming 2 day Clinic hosted by Team Power Monkey with Coaches David Durante & Chad Vaughn!
September 7 & 8, 2013 at CrossFit Austin (8708 S Congress, A-180 Austin, TX 78745)
presented by: Power Monkey Fitness Equipment (
This clinic is based around providing athletes with elite technical training and progressions revolving around both gymnastics and weight training. Both Durante and Vaughn have many years of experience under their belts on both the competitive and coaching sides of their sports. Emphasis will also be put on the overlap between both sports to show athletes how one can help the other develop properly. By the end of the clinic, athletes will have an extensive new repertoire of exercises and drills that they can take home to their own gyms to help train properly.
EARLY BIRD: $475 (FIRST 5 PEOPLE) Use code “earlybirdcfa” at checkout
MEMBER PRICE: $450 Use code “cfamember” at checkout
David Durante
David Durante is a multiple time USA gymnastics national champion and was part of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Team as alternate. After retiring from competition, David helped coach his alma mater, Stanford University, to an NCAA Team Title in 2009 and has continued to be a part of the sport through his position on the Athlete Advisory Committee with the United States Olympic Committee. He is also the lead global gymnastics expert for adidas gymnastics.
He started crossfit after retiring from competition after the 2008 Olympic Games. He continued to get more involved in crossfit over the past couple years and is now a gymnastics coach at CrossFit LIC in NYC.

Chad Vaughn
Chad Vaughn is a renowned Olympic Weightlifter. He is a 2 time Olympian, 8-time National Champion, 2003 Pan American Games Gold Medalist, and the American Record Holder in the Clean and Jerk.
Chad Vaughn
With more than 15 years of developing and applying elite training programs, Chad has shared this knowledge with athletes of all levels throughout the world over the past three and a half years; mostly within the CrossFit community, through weekly weightlifting classes, seminars, and online coaching. Coach Chad also has had the privilege of assisting the Again Faster Competition team as a guest coach and has also written for the CrossFit Journal and continues to have more content in the works.
In today’s Beyond the Bar podcast Aaron and Wes discuss the importance of “building a base” in the sport of CrossFit, and in general fitness. The guys discuss a theoretical continuum of movement quality, strength, and aerobic capacity as ideal stepping stones for an athlete.
Program note: Many of you have asked if our Podcast is on iTunes. We are currently in the process and hope to have it done by our next Podcast. Stay tuned!