Today the guys are joined by Coach Adrienne for an in depth conversation on setting goals. This is our last podcast of 2013 so enjoy and get started making you goals for 2014!
Today the guys discuss how to improve your training with better recovery and recovery tracking techniques. Using sleep, meditation, and even sex you can increase your ability to train more and train more often. For those interested in the BioForce HRV app you can find it at the website linked here.
Today Aaron and Wes delve into several of the listeners questions. Including mixing aerobic work with strength work, walking lunges, and how competitive athletes should be in the gym. Referenced in the podcast is this article by Talayna Fortunato.
Today Coach Wes and Coach Aaron dive into the topic of why we train. Piggy backing on an outstanding article from CrossFit legend Chris Spealler (Training CrossFit vs. CrossFit as a Sport) the guys discuss having a goal and purpose in your training and how that determines how you should approach CrossFit.
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Today, Aaron and Thomas hijack the CFA podcast and talk about Southside Athletic Programs and Southside Athlete performances from the weekend, as well as, debate exercise attire; Basketball shorts or Ranger panties.
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We are back with episode 9 of the Beyond the Bar Podcast. In today’s episode Wes and Aaron look back on the Athlete Open and give listeners advice on sprinting, and preparing yourself for game day!
On this weeks episode Aaron and Wes dive into the Snatch and matching your nutritional needs to the demands of a particular training cycle. The guys also give you the low down on several upcoming events this week including our Pub Run Friday, The Oly/Gymnastics Seminar this weekend, and Southside Athletics!
Pub Run – Join us for this year’s Pub Run!
Oly/Gymnastics Seminar – Check out this seminar with Chad Vaughn and David Durante!
Southside Athletics – Get the break down of our new program!
Today Wes and Aaron dive into some fantastic questions from our Monday evening clients. Topics including a definitive statement regarding the use of bicep curls in a training program. Causes and potential fixes for patella femoral pain. A look into the benefits of submaximal training efforts, and finally a discussion on goal setting and motivation. If you have questions for the podcast feel free to email them into or post in the comments. Enjoy!
Today we welcome Mahdi Te Heuheu aka “Mudz” to CrossFit Austin! Mudz is visiting CFA from his home in New Zealand, and will be hanging out for the next 2 weeks. Mudz finished the Australian Regional of the CrossFit Games in 7th place and has been working with CFA Director of Training Aaron Davis for the past year. In this episode we get a closer look of the evolution, and work ethic of one of the fittest Kiwi’s on the planet!
In today’s Beyond the Bar podcast Aaron and Wes discuss the importance of “building a base” in the sport of CrossFit, and in general fitness. The guys discuss a theoretical continuum of movement quality, strength, and aerobic capacity as ideal stepping stones for an athlete.
Program note: Many of you have asked if our Podcast is on iTunes. We are currently in the process and hope to have it done by our next Podcast. Stay tuned!