T-Shirt Design Contest Winner Announced

Congratulations to Gary Kanning, our 2012 T-Shirt Design Contest winner! Gary submitted the “Beast Mode” winning design and CFA fell in love! Congratulations, Gary! You’ve won a free shirt with your design on it once they’re printed and rarin’ to go!

Thanks to everyone who participated in this contest – we have some truly talented members at this gym and we loved seeing all the submissions!

CrossFit Classics!

CrossFit Austin and CrossFit Central are proud to announce CrossFit Classics, a monthly CrossFit celebration for fitness athletes and fans in Austin, TX!

Once a month we will pay homage to the roots of CrossFit and the CrossFit Games by competing in a “Classic” WOD. It may be anything from one of the original “girls,” a famous CrossFit Games Beatdown, or something even “nastier”! The workout will be announced on the first day of each month and will typically take place on the final Friday night of the month (exact times and dates will be announced with the workout). We will be accepting a limited number of competitors for the workout, so register early!

EVERYONE is encouraged to come take part in the festivities. Workouts do not have to be performed Rx, and we will have free drinks and after-party specials at local establishments! Follow this page for all updates and announcements concerning the event!

The event will take place at CrossFit Central Downtown  on  October 26th, 2012

October CrossFit Classic Event
When: Friday October 26th, 2012 @ 5:30 – 8:30 PM
Where: CrossFit Central Downtown  (702 E. 3rd , Austin, TX 78701)
Featuring DJ Kris Kepler of MOFIT
Sign up here!

The Workout:

From the 2008 CrossFit Games….

“Every Second Counts”
5 rounds for time of
5 deadlifts (275/185)
10 burpees
*8:00 Cap 

Deadlift Weights
Advanced: Men 275, Women 185
Intermediate: Men 225, Women 155
Beginner: Men 185, Women 135

Sign up here!

Only 50 Spots Available
$25 Registration Fee


Schedule Changes Effective 10/1

Effective October 1st, there will be a few changes to special programs offered through CrossFit Austin.

  • Running classes with Coach Aaron will be suspended, starting October 1st. In the words of Eddard Stark, “Winter is coming….” Those who are still interested in training with Coach Aaron are encouraged to look into our Sports Performance Program.
  • South Side Strength with Coach Shane will now be offered on Thursdays at 5:15pm (in addition to the current Monday 5:30pm sessions).
  • Athletes interested in starting with South Side Strength must go through a prerequisite class that will be offered at the end of each month. This month’s pre-requisite session will be held on Saturday, 9/29, at 9:00 am (register here).

Barbells for Boobs 2012

2012 Central Texas Oly Open
To Benefit Barbells For Boobs

October 13, 2012
CrossFit CenTex
502 Sparta Road, Belton Texas

Barbells For Boobs’ Pink Bra Tour will make their only stop in Texas at CrossFit CenTex on October 13 2012. The event will be a two-day event, starting on Saturday October 13 with Grace (30 clean and jerks for time) and concluding Sunday October 14 with an Olympic weightlifting event. For the most up-to-the-minute news and updates, click here.

The 2012 Central Texas Oly Open will be broken into 2 events, a sanctioned event (for those trying to get that last minute American Open total) and a non-sanctioned event. Your registration fee of $50 will enter you into either event and portions of the registration fee will benefit Barbells For Boobs.  T-shirts will be available for $25 and donations of $25 dollars will be available for purchase online. Additional donations in any amount will be accepted on either day of the event.

Between Amazing Grace and the Central Texas Oly Open, the goal is to donate $8,000 this year. Come out and support a good cause!

Barbell For Boobs supports all human boobs – woman boobs and man boobs. 100% of net proceeds collected from ALL fundraising events will support BARBELLS FOR BOOBS, a 501(c)3 non-profit breast cancer organization whose mission is to provide funding for qualified low-income and uninsured women and men who need screening and/or diagnostic procedures in the prevention of breast cancer.

Join the CrossFit Austin Barbells for Boob Team! 

August Athlete of the Month: Meredith “Mer” O’Brien

State your Name and/or Nickname please:
Meredith “Mer” O’Brien

Words to live by?
“Life’s for living.”

What is your fitness background?
I’ve always gravitated toward being active — I’m not good at sitting still. In high school I decided one day to run home from school instead of take the bus — eight miles — and I did that pretty regularly. I taught tennis for Club Med for quite a few years, having played a lot in high school and college, as well as on my neighborhood courts growing up, I really just like tennis clothes better than other sports uniforms, so that probably explains it.

How long have you been CrossFitting?
I started on October 6, 2011 — almost a year.

What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Austin?
There are elite athletes rooting on perfect novices and vice versa. The communal feeling is mind-boggling. Ego and attitude are checked at the door. We are all in this together.

What are your training goals?
I want to just keep having fun, keeping it positive, and learning about myself.

Favorite sport or activity?
Favorite sport: CrossFit because I really enjoy a challenge, and even if I’m moving two steps forward, one step back, at least I’m moving forward into new territory.
Favorite activity: traveling with my husband and kids because it always makes me realize how lucky I am to call those three people my family.

Recent adventure you’re planning?
Finish writing my second full length play.

Tell us something we don’t know about you
I used to dance nightly with fake bananas on my head (Club Med, again.) And also, I wrote my college thesis on James Joyce’s “Ulysses.”

Longhorns or Aggies?
I always root for Roger Federer.

In addition to being a super mom and world traveler, we hear you’re pretty handy with a unicycle… What’s your secret to being a one-wheeled whiz?
Well, my unicycling skills are far surpassed by that of my seven and nine year old sons, but the secret to learning to unicycle is this: Don’t. Give. Up. If you fall down, get up right away and try again. Trust the movement. And keep a sense of humor. A lot like CrossFit.

Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words…
We will never part! You can’t get rid of me! I’m going to be ninety years old and still trying to get that kipping pull-up. When I walk into the gym I am sometimes nervous — will I be able to complete the workout? Will I get hurt? Will I disappoint myself? — but that feeling always goes away as soon as I see the people there –the coaches, Caitlyn, friends, even people I don’t know or whom I’ve never met — because it’s like there is this incredible support, like I’m being cushioned or protected by people who have similar interests and hopes and concerns, and we all want to slam that wod the best we can. I feel like my world has been enriched exponentially through being a part of the CFA family. It’s just so great.

Welcome, New Members!

We want to take a moment to recognize our brave new members who joined during the heat of August! In case you haven’t had the chance to get sweaty with them yet, we wanted to take a moment to introduce the newest members in the Circle of Awesomeness…

Cameron MacDonald Randy Brown Joel Rice Ercimin Paredes John Faith
Victor Sandoval Morgen Kirk Julio Otazo Jennifer Lack Jimmy Skufca
Jasmine Demps Caroline Cutbirth Maya Evans Vanessa Vinson Kara Denney
Cyrus Benedickt Hannah Tucker Joel Lang Donna Solomay Angelica Rivas
Leslie Campbell Corey Quillen Eric Her Ryan Valenza Grace Fletcher
David Larence Martin Rodriguez Anna Craft Heidi Whitlock  Robyn O’Brien

*If you are a new member and haven’t had your picture taken, please talk to Caitlyn! 

Welcome, new members! We’re so happy to have you here!

“We the People” Fundraiser

CrossFit gyms from across Austin, Texas will join together on September 22nd, 2012 at Camp Mabry, to raise funds for Team Red, White, and Blue (enriching the lives of wounded veterans and their families) and Youth In Motion (promoting programs throughout the community that help young people learn how to live healthy, active lives) in a 3-round, 17-minute workout!

To participate in this exciting event, follow these steps:

1) Register on Eventbrite to compete or spectate.
 (You must register by September 6th to pre-order a shirt. Shirt is not included with registration)
2) Collect donations from your friends and family through FirstGiving.
*If you would like to sponsor the event and set up a booth, please email events@crossfitcentral.com.

The workout is:
3 x 5:00 rounds
1:00 at each station
1:00 rest between rounds

The movements and levels are: Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner, Kids
Thrusters: 95lbs/65lbs/45lbs/PVC or Rebar
Box Jumps: 24″/20″/12″/Step-ups
Kettlebell Swings: 24k/16k/8k/5lbs or 10lbs
Burpees on to a Plate
Row for Calories

Important: Level 1 Schedule Changes

CrossFit Austin is excited to announce that we will be making some important updates to our
Class Schedule and our Level 1 Program, effective Monday, August 20th. 

Changes in Class Times:

  • Level 1: 5:30 am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
  • Level 1: 6:30 am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
  • *Please note: the above Level 1 additions will replace the current 6:00 am Level 1 Classes
  • 7:30pm on Mondays & Wednesdays will now be Level 1 (Level 2 may come in during this time for Open Gym)

Level 1 Program:

  • Soon, current Level 1 athletes will be receiving a Test Tracker, which will allow athletes to track progress and test into Level 2. If you are a Level 1 athlete, please print this and bring it with you to class.  This will give Level 1 athletes definitive goals to reach before they can move up to Level 2.
  • Tuesdays and Wednesdays will no longer share the same workout, so programming will be different on each day.

We are very excited to implement these changes and continue to offer the best in CrossFit programming for all of our athletes. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

August Athlete of the Month: Michael Page

State your Name and/or Nickname please:
Michael Page a.k.a. Michael

Words to live by? 
In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” –Psalms 56:4
“Get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’.” –Shawshank Redemption
“When life gives you shit, make a shit sandwich.” –My Dad

What is your fitness background?
Way back in my high school days I ran track and cross-country. After that I was a “seasonal” weightlifter/runner. I’d workout for 4 months then lose interest. Before I started CrossFit, I took fitness to another level by joining a skee-ball drinking league. And that’s when I realized I needed a better workout program.

How long have you been CrossFitting?
I actually had to look this up. Started “On Ramp” in Jan. 2011. So 1.5-ish years.

What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Austin?
Battling the WOD. Besides waking up, it’s my first challenge of the day. I love looking at the board/website to find out what I’m up against. WOD and I have it out every class. The SOB knocks me on the ground almost every time, but I manage to get a victory every once in a while. There hasn’t been a 6:30am class yet that I didn’t feel an adrenaline rush right before WOD and I go toe-to-toe.

What are your training goals?
Gain muscle and endurance. Be more consistent with my diet. Maybe one day join the half-ton club.

Favorite sport or activity?
Football. Whether it’s national, college, flag, paper – It’s the most exciting sport to play or watch.

Recent adventure you’re planning?
I feel like I need to be a Goonie or Peter Pan to answer this question. At the moment I don’t have anything adventurous going on…wait…wedding anniversary! BAM! Just remembered I have my one-year wedding anniversary in October. And it’s going to be a great adventure. I hope my wife likes searching for missing treasure, because it’s on.

Tell us something we don’t know about you…
I’m a burger connoisseur. So far, I’ve tried 52 different burgers in Austin. After college I realized I was wolfing down 3-4 a week. But I’ve come to grips with my addiction since then. Now, I only eat one a week. So I’m always on the hunt for a tasty burger.

Longhorns or Aggies?
I’m not a fan of this question so I rewrote it.
Red Raider, Longhorn or Aggies? Oh, definitely Red Raider.

As the original “Michael” of CFA, you’ve got some status. If you had to pick a nickname, what would it be and why?
I’m pretty bad at math early in the morning. For some reason that area in my brain is not awake. I’m always looking for the calculator in class. Hmm, how bout…Mad Math Mike or Math Page?

Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words…
Don’t be afraid to apply what you learn in class to the rest of your life. Besides class, we’re tested every day. Whether it’s our careers, school, finances, relationships, whatever– life is always going to try to knock you to your knees and keep you there. But just like in class, we don’t know what we’re truly capable of accomplishing until we give it a try. Until we fight a little harder. Hang on a little longer. Only then, do we see what’s possible.

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