September Athlete of the Month: Kat Bevel!

 In an effort to get to know the fine folks of CrossFit Austin, we embark on our Athlete of the Month series.  Each month we will spotlight a different CFA athlete.  This month we have chosen the amazing Kat Bevel!


State your Name and/or Nickname please:

Words to live by:
Let yourself be vulnerable… The part of you that is going to be the best is the part of you that you want to most deny.” -John Cusack
“Ask yourself what makes you come alive and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman 

What is your fitness background? 
I did gymnastics between the ages of 7-17. More recently, before crossfit, I did a lot of yoga and I’ve dabbled in a little of everything growing up from wrestling to rock climbing.
How long have you been CrossFitting? 
18 months
What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Austin?  
The people! CrossFit has really changed my life and my perspective on so much. There are so many things that CrossFit and it’s community of people, especially the women, have taught me. I’ve finally found not only an outlet I was missing since my gymnastics days, but also a group of people who continually inspire me, support me and others, and are genuinely interested in seeing their peers meet goals. CrossFit has completely solidified my viewpoint that people and relationships matter most in life. It’s amazing what one can accomplish when surrounded by people who challenge and uplift you, people who show up everyday to their own life for betterment. It’s incredible watching others get back up after they fall, keep pushing towards their own goals and never give up on themselves and ultimately life. I’m so grateful to know such incredibly motivated, determined, strong people.
What are your training goals? 
I would love to be able to be considered for a regionals team next year! Also, string together multiple muscle ups, and to close the gaps between my weaknesses and strength and to definitely work on aerobic capacity.
Favorite sport or activity? 
Yoga, anything gymnastics related, wake surfing, and cooking!
Recent adventure you’re planning? 
I love traveling! I’m a wedding photographer and I have an elopement in Scotland coming up, so I’m making a vacation out of it too and tacking on Iceland. I leave in just a couple weeks and I couldn’t be more excited! I’m also pretty excited about Costa Rica in November, and Tulum in April of next year for my 30th birthday. 🙂

Tell us something we don’t know about you…
I have a goal of visiting 6/7 continents and volunteering for a couple of orphanages and animal sanctuaries/rescues along the way before I’m 35.

Longhorns or Aggies? Admittedly, I’m not much of a football fan, but I’m an Austinite through and through so if I had to choose, it’d be Longhorns.

Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words… 
I may be a bit distant/quiet but I have a huge love capacity and I’m truly wowed and inspired by every single person at CFA. It’s been an amazing journey so far, and I’ve learned so much from all my peers and coaches. I’m endlessly grateful for all of you and the way CrossFit has changed my life.

Test Week and Updates

Happy Monday all! We hope everyone is enjoying the new facility and appreciate your patience with the build out.  Below you will find a quick update on programming and the new and improved CFA!

Program Updates:

We will begin a new cycle this week, which means today starts TEST WEEK! I will have some additional info on the tests throughout the week, but the schedule will look like this:

Monday – Test
Tuesday – Active Recovery, Make up Day
Wednesday – Test
Thursday – Test
Friday – Active Recovery, Make up Day
Saturday – Test

Like our last cycle this week will be followed by 6 weeks of training and a retest week

Updates on the Gym Build out:

  • We have fully operational toliets and cold drinking water at the new gym!
  • Showers are still scheduled be open mid to late week
  • Our brand new Rogue Rig is ready for use! (Thanks Lane and Mark)
  • New bars and bumpers are in!
  • More Fans are ordered and will be up as soon as we get them!

Lastly in an effort in an effort to be the very best that we can be, we’d love  your feedback on the new facility please fill out this quick 3 question survey :

New Facility Survey 

Move-In Membership Specials

Moving into our new facility was a major success! What better way to celebrate our new space than with a few Membership Specials?

{ Paid In Full }

12-Month Unlimited Group Class Membership
$1500 for 12-months of Unlimited Group Classes
($2028 Full Price – Save $528) 

6-Month Unlimited Group Class Membership
$900 for 6-months of Unlimited Group Classes
($1200 Full Price – Save $300)

Limited to 6 offerings of each – When they’re gone, they’re gone!
No Refunds Available // Prices Do Not Include Tax
Current Members: 12 Months of Unlimited Classes begins on the first day of your next month’s current contract ‘start’ date
New Members: 12 Months of Unlimited Classes begins on the day of your purchase

10 Pack of Personal Training Sessions w/Coach Wes Kimball
$375 for 10 PT Sessions
($525 Full Price – Save $150)
Non-Refundable, Expires December 31, 2014
Limited to 3 offerings – When they’re gone, they’re gone!


Get Prepped at CrossFit Austin

The Prep at CrossFit Austin – Starting August 4th!

What is it?
We’re launching a new program here at CFA! The Prep at CrossFit Austin will start on Monday, August 4th. Designed to introduce those new to CrossFit to the fundamentals and essential movements often seen in many of our group classes, The Prep will be a multifaceted course that teaches proper movement, recovery & mobility technique, nutrition & lifestyle guidelines; training that ultimately gives our clients the true {life changing} sense of the power of the CrossFit methodology. We’re not just movers and shakers at CrossFit Austin – we’re thinkers, too. Producing athletes that train smart, work hard and also know their shit is what we’re all about.

What’s in it for you?
Train Smart| We’ll teach you to lift & move proficiently
Dedicated time working on the technique of CrossFit Movements over the course of 12 classes, with technical mastery being a focus. Consistent exposure to the movements will adequately prepare each for success in the group class environment. Quality over quantity in your movement is our goal.

Work Hard | We’ll teach you to recover effectively
The body repairs and strengthens itself in the time between workouts; it’s in this time that the body adapts to the stress of exercise and the real training effect takes place. Learning what and how to fill this time outside of the gym is our goal.

Think Well | We’ll teach you to eat efficiently
The individuality and uniqueness of our clients are what makes our community a phenomenal place to thrive in their training. Nutrition can’t be a ‘cut and paste’ for each individual – there’s no cookie cutter way to properly eat. Revolutionize the way you view nutrition and eat over the course of 12 classes and learn what works best for your ID.

What you get:
1 month | 12 Sessions
Just show up; we’ll do the rest. 3x/week for 4 weeks

1 Coach | 6 attendees
The Prep Course will be limited to 6 attendees per time slot  to ensure everyone gets quality, semi-private coaching

Prep Guide | Setting you up for Success
The Prep Guide will include all the nutritional, lifestyle, and training  lessons that we cover in class. The Prep Guide will serve as a reference and a tool for you throughout your time at CrossFit Austin.

Extra  Credit | Fitness beyond the gym
The Prep Course will also  include specific training and recovery techniques to be utilized outside the walls of the gym. We’ve found that many of our athletes want to go the extra mile and this is our way to ensure they do it safely and effectively.


When is it?
There are two course times available, both beginning on Monday August 4th.
Morning | Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6:30 am
Evening | Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 6:30 pm
**Can’t find a time that fits your schedule? Contact us and we will set you up for our Private Prep Course


The Prep Special Kick-Off Price – 
Group Prep Option:  $100 (Regular price – $200)
Private Prep Option: $200 (Regular price – $300)
(Discount pricing valid for August registrants only)


June Shameless Selfie Winners #CFASelfie6

We received a plethora of amazing selfies from the lovely folks of CrossFit Austin all through the month of June. To reward your efforts we held drawings based on your selfie entries. We’d like to take a moment to recognize the photogenic folks that won our Shameless Selfie drawings!

We had a blast seeing all these Post WOD glamour shots and can’t wait to do it again!


Week 1 Winner- Julie “Crash” Shamblin


Week 2 Winner- Dylan Faulkner

dme selfie

Week 3 Winner- Malia White


Week 4 & Ultimate Swag Bag Winner – John “Jay Rod” Rodriguez

jay rod selfie

It’s been a hell of a ride…

As of today, I am stepping down from my role with CrossFit Austin and CrossFit Valor. I’ve come to the point with my growing family and the demands of my other full time job, that I can’t devote the time necessary to be at the head of this ship any more, and I want to make sure that the next generation of lil’ Putneys don’t get the short end of the stick. Knowing that I leave what we’ve built in the more than capable hands of Wes, my partner in crime of many years, and the extremely talented management and coaching staff we’ve been lucky enough to be surrounded by helps me sleep well at night.

It is unbelievably hard for me to step back. There is no way to fit into words what all of the last 5+ years have meant to me. Getting to know each and every one of you and being able to work side-by-side with you has been priceless. Watching people turn their lives around, get back into shape, get into shape for the first time, relationships blooming, babies being born, competitors being born… it’s made every day of the last few years more rewarding and humbling than I could ever convey.

Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. The family and I will still be working out and hanging out at both gyms, and we look forward to being a part of the continued growth of this awesome community, but if you do have any questions/comments/concerns in the future, SEND THEM TO SOMEONE ELSE!!! I’m just here to sweat 🙂 Really, thanks for everything!

With much love,
Boone and the entire Putney Family


2015 CrossFit Austin Competitor Program

Testing will begin next Monday for those that would like to be apart of CrossFit Austin’s 2015 competitive team. The testing will run from Monday 6/23 to Wednesday 7/2.  Coach Aaron, Coach Wes, or both us will be available to assist and coach you from 5 PM to 7 PM each evening that we have testing. Note that we will not have our normal 6:30 PM Competition Classes on Monday and Tuesday, so get here as soon as possible and we will get you started.  Some things of note for the upcoming 2 weeks:

  • We will have our orientation at 11 AM on Saturday June 28th during orientation we will be taking additional tests and taking everyone through our new warm-up protocols
  • All the test can be found HERE make sure you are recording your results in your personal journal, we will send a google form out to everyone at the conclusion of testing  to fill out so we have all of the results on spot

Doc with Tests

Google Form below please only submit once. Thanks!

Please contact us at or if you would like to participate in the program.

Saturday Skills Class with Coach Alex Janss and Coach Miguel Garza

Saturday Skills Class | June 21, 2014 | 11:00 am

Alex & Miguel will be teaching you everything you need to know about rowing.
Efficiency, Technique, and Proper Rowing Strokes.




Graduated from the University of Texas at Austin

CrossFit Level 1 Certified Coach
CrossFit Gymnastics Certified
CrossFit Running and Endurance Certified
CrossFit Rowing Certified
CrossFit Movement and Mobility Certified
University of Texas Collegiate Rower and Captain
2007 Selected for the US Rowing Development Camp
2009 Boston Marathon Qualifier
2010 CrossFit Games Competitor Team
2011 CrossFit Regionals Qualifier

janss4 janss2

Miguel Garza is a CrossFit Level I Certified Trainer.
He has been involved in athletics his entire life.
He played basketball through high school
and has been weight training for 8 years.
He is a recent graduate of the
University of Texas at Austin,
obtaining a degree in Business Administration.
He now attends the University of Texas Law School.
Miguel has continued to pursue his
passion for training clients
by becoming a coach at CrossFit Austin.










Murph Day 2014 Registration Now Open

Murph Day 2014

CrossFit Austin will be hosting Murph Day Friday (7/4/2014) honoring the memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy and all fallen veterans.

Liutenant Murphy was killed in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005.  This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he named it “Body Armor”.  We will honor a focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

For time:
1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile run

*Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.
**Teams of 2, 3, or 4 are welcome.
***All movements can be scaled.
****Be sure to wear your twenty pound vest or body armor if you have it.



  • Event Registration + Shirt will be open from June 16th until June 25th.
    • $40 for participating athletes
    • Athlete entry fee includes registration & t-shirt costs and donations
  • Event Registration without Shirt will be open from June 26th until July 3rd.
    • $20 for participating athletes
    • Athlete entry fee includes registration costs and donations
  • This event is open to all – members and non-members
  • Athletes must arrive at 7:00am to warm-up, sign-in, and pick up shirts
  • Heats times start at 8 am, 9 am, and 10am
  • Spectators are welcome
  • Donations are welcome and can be made here or here
  • Proceeds go to aid in the Recovery Fund for Jeremy Rounkles
    • Our annual MURPH Day has always benefited the Navy SEAL Foundation. This year, we’re donating all funds to a new cause. Join us in our efforts to rally behind our very own Genevieve Schmidt and her family in their time of need. Genevieve is CrossFit Austin’s phenomenal Administrative Coordinator. Let’s show the power of community and the force human connection can have as we come together, sweat together, work together, and band together to raise money for her brother’s recovery fund. Learn more about the recovery fund here. Learn more about the Navy SEAL Foundation here.

“I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle – victorious.” – Vince Lombardi

  • Cook-out will take place directly after the event

CrossFit Weightlifting Advanced Trainer Course

CrossFit Austin will be hosting a CrossFit Weightlifting Advanced Trainer Course lead by Coaches Chad Vaughn and Matt Bruce!


August 23-24

CrossFit Austin
8708 South Congress Ave
Suite A180
Austin, Texas 78745
United States


This course is designed for the coach who has completed both the CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Course and the CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Course.  Contact for the registration code for this course.

Frequently Asked Questions

#1: Are there any prerequisites for this course?
Yes. One must have held a valid and current CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Certificate for at least one year (prior to the date of the course you wish to attend) and have completed the CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Course.

#2: What are the requirements for becoming a CrossFit Weightlifting Advanced Trainer?
The requirements for this credential are stringent, primarily for your protection and the safety of those you train. They are:
• Having held a valid and current CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Certificate for at least one year
• Completion of the CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Course
• Course Attendance 100%
• Participation 100%

#3: When will I receive my certificate?
You will receive your certificate at the completion of the seminar.



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