FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS || 16.5 Presented by Airrosti

friday night light
March 25th
Athlete Check-In at 6:30 pm

First heat starts at 7:00 pm


Join CrossFit Austin and Airrosti for the biggest and best Friday Night Lights celebration. Come to cheer on your fellow CrossFitters participating in 16.5 and enjoy great music, food, beer, wine and enter win free swag provided by Airrosti. The first 20 participants to register for heats receive a free Airrosti t-shirt. Hope to see you there!

How to win at the Open and Everyday in the Gym || Coach Wes Kimball


We are now officially in CrossFit Open season. Whether you care about the CrossFit as a sport or not, your life (at the very least your Facebook feed) is now a buzz with the ups, downs, trials, and tribulations of thousands of people competing against one another in an online exercise competition. I personally like the Open because it amplifies all the things good and bad we experience as a community dedicated to self improvement. So today’s article isn’t really about the Open, it’s about how we operate on a day to day basis with each other and how we can make those experiences continue to be fulfilling.


It’s ok to be competitive
For better or worse, CrossFit is based on competition. You compete against yourself, and you compete against those around you everyday. If you have a goal you’re trying to achieve, you are competing against that asshole in your head that says you’re not good enough and you can’t do it.  It’s healthy to want to beat the negative voice inside your head, it’s good to aspire to be like the athlete in class that’s been training consistently for the last five years, and it’s good to see your name move up or down on the leaderboard each week. Competition is the nudge out of the comfort zone that most of us need to seek fulfillment in what we do in life.  

Don’t be overly competitive

However, there is an ugly side to competition. The side that rears its head when competing and becomes all consuming. When it’s your only motivation, the only thing you put value in, then it becomes a problem. The only purpose you have at the gym or in life, and in this example, your only reason for doing the Open. This is a problem because ultimately the joy of accomplishment is fleeting, the moment will pass. Stress, anxiety, and general unhappiness will engulf you if you only seek fulfillment from your accomplishments.


Focus on you, and enjoy the process  

We all fail, and we all struggle. The goal is to not fail permanently, to take pride in who we are win or lose. To enjoy what you do, and do it to serve a bigger purpose and bring value to yourself and those around you. Love the process, help those around you, and bring good energy to the space you you occupy.  The pursuit of self improvement gives us pride, confidence, and a purpose that can’t be quantified by a leaderboard or a trophy. So give yourself the opportunity to enjoy what really matters.
-Coach Wes

March Athlete Of The Month – Nicole Seltman!!

Each month we spotlight a different CFA athlete who stands out and shows just how awesome they are. What is it that makes up an Athlete of the Month? It may not be the person that finishes the fastest, Rx’s every WOD, or gets a PR every time they walk in the gym. Although we love and celebrate when those things happen, the Athlete of the Month is made up of much more than physical ability. This person shows up, gives their best every time, and then gives a little more. They are hungry to learn and always ready to do the work. They support their fellow classmates and encourage them to reach their goals. This athlete embodies what we believe the CrossFit Austin Community should be about.

Our March Athlete of the Month is Nicole Seltman! Nicole has been with us since 2012! She’s an evening gal, having dance parties during her rest time with the late night crew :). Nicole is an incredibly hard worker, always giving her best and making the rest of us look bad (just kidding, only some of us ;), but she’s awesome). She is focused and has a wonderful competitive energy. She’ll make you push yourself a little harder too. We’re so happy to have Nicole in our community and we’re extremely proud of all of her accomplishments, including being this month’s Athlete of the Month. Congratulations Nicole and thanks for all you do!

State your Name and/or Nickname please: nicole 3
Nicole or Seltman

Words to live by?
Do what you like. Like what you do. I don’t stop till the mission is done, I don’t stop till they tell me I’ve won.

What is your fitness background?
I grew up playing competitive soccer all my life. In high school I played soccer and also
lacrosse. I continued to play soccer and lacrosse at the club level in college.

How long have you been CrossFitting?
I think it’s been 4 years!

Take us back to your first day of CrossFit… How did you feel? How do you compare it to workouts today?
Oh my gosh, I remember when I came to do the initial visit. I was sooooo intimidated. It was like 6:30 or 7:00 at night and CFA was in the old building. I was freaking out in the car because here I am walking up to what looks like an old warehouse, in the dark, and there are all these barbells hitting the ground and people screaming. I was like “oh man, what did I get myself into? Maybe I should just go back to 24 hr fitness, but I just took a deep breath and walked in. I have never looked back once.

What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Austin?nicole

I love everything! CFA really feels like home to me- and the people are my family. I love our community, the welcoming atmosphere when you step into the gym, and of course the coaches. For me, it is great to have a place I can come to where I can forget the stress of my day. I love being able to put it all out there, focus on what I want to focused on, get coached to do better. Plus to be surrounded by people who push me, challenge me and care about me as an athlete and as a person- what more can you ask for? CrossFit is my therapy.

Current Training Goals/PRs?
Well of course I have goals to increase my weights on all my lifts. In addition to that I really just want to continue to get stronger and faster. Now that I’m not training for the half anymore, I can get back to lifting and really upping those numbers, so that is where I’m focusing right now. Everyday my goal is just to do better than before- whether that’s 1 more rep, one less second, or 1 more pound.,

Oh, and I’d also like to be able to complete all the Open workouts Rx!

What advice do you have for folks just starting out in CrossFit?
Don’t be intimidated by the grunting, big plates, or crazy movements. Just know we were all starting out at some point. Leave your ego at the door, say hi, introduce yourself and smile. Remember it’s about having fun and making CrossFit what you want it to be for yourself. Who cares what your time is or what your score was…you came in and you got work done (and hopefully had fun) and that is what matters. Oh and of course, ask for help – we are all here to make this the best experience for you that it can be!

What is your cheat meal go to?
It’s probably pizza- I have been trying various places around Austin and am still on the search for the BEST pizza out there. But then again, there is also Kerbey Queso, or chocolate covered almonds with melted almond butter…oh man…

Tell us about a moment you felt most proud of yourself during a workout.17040844545_8ed2d892f1_z
I think last year completing 15.5 was one of my most proud moments. I HATE rowing and of course thrusters aren’t really all that fun either. I was so nervous- but I just got out there and gave it my all. I remember everyone cheering me on and pushing me to keep going. At the end I collapses to the floor and felt completely wiped out (see attached photo). But at the same time, I knew I had put it all out there and I felt really proud of that!

If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be?

The Seltman:

Max plank hold 🙂

What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?
I really like to run- hence my Instagram posts for #sundayrunday. I just ran my 6th half (PR’ed baby!) and I’m sure there will be more to come. I tend to be competitive so anything involving winning intrigues me 🙂 I am a huge soccer player and love to do anything on the water- kayak, paddleboard, swim, etc.23625455642_c03de25c65

Tell us something we don’t know about you…
I can imitate a dolphin whistle 🙂

Longhorns or Aggies?

I’m actually from NY and went to college at Johns Hopkins where no one really cared about football- it was all about lacrosse for us (our homecoming was in the spring!). So I’m not a huge football fan. However, since moving to Austin I have become more interested in the sport and that being said, I have to go with the Longhorns!

Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words…
Thank you so much for selecting me as AOM. I am really honored to be a part of CFA’s Community. I love our gym and I love the people that are a part of it. I really consider myself lucky to be surrounded by such an awesome family. Thank you for pushing me to do better and be better every day.


Fringe Sport + CrossFit Austin || Free Community WOD 3/12

We are teaming up with Fringe Sport for our Free Community WOD this month! 

Address: 3725 Drossett Dr, Austin, TX 78744

Keep up with announcements on the Facebook Event Page!


Work hard | Sweat hard | Play hard

Come join us on Saturday, March 12 @ 10:00 am for a free workout at Fringe Sport with the CrossFit Austin Community! 

Community workouts are open to everyone and a great way to find out what CrossFit is all about.

All skill levels welcome.

Current members: Bring a friend

First timers: Meet a friend


Want to learn more about the awesome gear you can get at Fringe Sport, visit their website here

Movement Of The Week || Muscle Ups Part 2

On our final installation of #movement videos for the #crossfitopen, we’re bringing you another #muscleup skill/strength builder. These are sure to be #intheopen! Good luck this weekend and for the next 5! We’re rooting for you! @crossfitgames #crossfit #gymnasty #gymnastics #rings #crossfitopen2016 @txtim3 Muscle-up pt. 2 Arch / Hollow Kip Swing (On Rings) A tight compact kip swing is important to correctly perform dynamic gymnastics movements. Even more so on the the rings as they present a less stable apparatus than the bar. The swing should be initiated with the shoulders, the elbows must remain locked out, keep the belly tight in both the arch and hollow position, and keep the heels together and toes pointed. “Big Ring Swings” The goal here is to try to increase the range of the swing so the body rises up parallel to the floor.  The swing starts like the smaller arch / hollow swing but the athlete will lead by swinging  the feet high and continue the swing by driving the hips towards the ring. Perfecting this swing allows the athlete to “feel” weightless at the apex of the swing, so they know when to pull and turnover the rings Hips to RIngs This is a natural continuation of the previous swing. The athlete must be patient and allow the hips to rise as high as possible then pull the rings to the hips or ribs.  The goal is to maintain a tight body position throughout and keep the eyes on the toes during the pull.  This helps teach athletes to pull the rings lower to allow for an easier turnover. Jumping Muscle-ups This is a good practice drill for the “dynamic” turnover. Set the rings at highest position possible still allowing the turnover to be successful.  Performing sets of 8 to 10 reps will help athletes get comfortable catching and supporting their bodyweight in a low ring dip. The low ring dip catch position is common for an athlete’s first muscle-up. Muscle-up Once strong enough to perform a kip muscle-up timing, rhythm, and fluidity become the limiting factors for most in a muscle-up. The initial swing must be fluid and keep tension in the body and rings throughout. Athletes must be patient and let the hips rise while they pull the ring

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Movement Of The Week || Muscle Up Drills

Who's ready for the #crossfitopen?! We sure are! Make sure to get your #muscleup #practice in this week! Check out some of our tips and strength building exercises to help you get and stay #efficient! #CrossFit @crossfitgames #muscleups #hollowbody #intheopen Muscle-Up Transitions -Rings to Sternum Position yourself below the rings. Grab the rings and establish active shoulders and a tight midline. With a slight lean back, pull the rings toward each other and to your sternum (bottom of chest). Variations/extensions to this exercise could include a static hold at the top of the pull and/or employing a tempo on the eccentric (lowering) phase, like a negative. -Toe-nail Muscle-up Transition Position yourself below the rings. Similar to the rings to sternum drill,  but with the top of the feet touching the floor. Grab the rings and establish active shoulders and midline. With a slight lean back, pull the rings toward each other and to your sternum. Pushing through the toes, utilize as much assistance as needed to maintain proper pulling mechanics. Once the rings are to your sternum; continue the pull tracing the bottom of your chest until the rings are at your armpits, with shoulders over the rings. Variations/extensions of this drill could be done the same way with toes on a box. -Band Assisted Hip Extension with Pull This drill can be used to help understand hip extension while maintaining good body position as well as reinforce the proper timing of the pull. Set-up a band on the rings as you would in a banded ring dip. Place the band at the crease of the glutes, as if sitting on a swing. Starting point will be approximately parallel to the ground, in a hollow body position . From this position, you will squeeze your glutes and drive your heels down, eliciting an extension of the hips. The band will assist in the rise of your center of gravity. At the apex of the rise, you will practice the timing of the pull by driving your elbows behind you toward the floor and bringing the rings to your torso. Begin by focusing on one good rep at a time. Stringing these together can take time and is not necessary to receive the benefit of the drill. -Band Assisted Hip E

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Night Of Champions || WOD ANNOUNCEMENT


We are 5 short days from our Night of Champions competition! As promised, below are the WODs we’ll see this Friday with Rx and Scaled weights listed below. Get yourself a partner and get registered! Remember, only 1 team member must register through the online system ($50 per team). We’ll email you to get your partner’s name and which division you’ll be competing in.


Event 1

Max Deadlift

Each team member will find a max deadlift.  Teams will be grouped on bars together by announced opening weights and each bar will move up in weight every minute. Teammates best lifts will be added together to give the team a score.

Event 2

1200 M Run
50 Burpee Box Jump / Step-up
40 Hang Cleans
15:00 Cap

M: 24” box, 165 lb barbell
W: 20” box, 105 lb barbell

M: 20” box, 115 lb barbell
W: 12” box, 75 lb barbell

Athletes will run a total of 1200 meters between them. This can be split into an 800 and a a 400 or two even 600s. The athletes will then proceed to the burpee box jump / step ups where the reps can be split anyway they see fit. Athletes may jump or step onto the box at their own discretion. Teams will then move to the hang cleans where they may split the reps however they see fit. Hang cleans must start between the knee and the hip and can be received in muscle, power, squat or split position.

*15:00 Time Cap

Movement of the Week || Chest To Bar Pull Ups – Part 2

Here's part 2 of our chest to bar series. This time around, focusing on the kip. These can also help with regular pull ups! Check out more videos at #kipping #chestobar #ctb #c2b #crossfit #intheopen #crossfitopen2016 #austin #tx #shoulders Traditional Kip – Muscle Kip Swing This drill is used to reinforce using the shoulder to initiate the swing. The lower body and hips should not swing at all. The athlete will push himself into a tight hollow position, and pull themselves into a tight arch position. The goal is to be as controlled as possible. – Arch / Hollow Kip Swing A tight compact kip swing is important to correctly perform dynamic gymnastics movements. The swing should be initiated with the shoulders, the elbows must remain locked out, keep the belly tight in both the arch and hollow position, and keep the heels together and toes pointed. – Skips This drill is an extension of the Arch/Hollow Kip Swing, with a more aggressive finish. The ’skip’ helps to develop straight arm strength/power, reinforces necessity of tight midline, and can be used as a tool used to understand/develop the timing of when to pull. – Pause at top with Push Away This is used to improve the athlete’s ability to connect pull-ups. The athlete performs a kip pull-up and stop and hold their chest against the bar. The athlete will then push themselves away from the bar and into another swing to pull. This is also a good test of actually pulling strength, if you can perform kip pull-ups but can’t hold the top position for longer than 5 seconds the athlete should work to improve strict static strength in the pull-up. – Full CTB Pull-ups The full CTB pull-up should look fluid and rythmic. Common faults include athletes losing control of the core in the “arch” phase of the swing, leaving the feet behind the bar while pulling the chest to the bar, and allowing the knees to bend or elbow during the “arch” phase of the swing.

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Movement of the Week || Chest To Bar Pull Ups

Push-up women and men! This week, we’re back with another series of movement videos to help you prep for the Open. This time around, it’s Chest To Bar Pull Ups. These are a tough challenge for athletes new and old, alike. Be sure to practice these movements and you’ll be sure to see improvements! #crossfitopen2016 #crossfit #CTB #C2B #pullups #strict #negatives #intheopen #gymnasty #gymnastics Strict Strength – Scap Pull-ups Begin the movement with shoulders and arms completely locked out and maintain a hollow body position with the glutes and core.  Pull the scaps down and back and do not bend the elbows, then relax your shoulders to return back down into a fully extended position. The goal is to develop the ability to perform 3 sets of 12-15 perfect, controlled reps. – Passive Range Lift off In prone position (face down): while trying to maintain a neutral cervical spine lift your hands (or PVC) off of the ground with focus on squeezing your shoulder blades down and together toward the mid spine. As control improves, you can continue to increase the range by elevating your starting position. Again, purpose is for control of the range, so we are not just slinging are hands up behind us. – Banded Face Pull This is an auxiliary exercise that develops and strengthens the rhomboids, external rotators, and rear delts. Strengthening this group of muscles will help athletes develop a full and proper “finish” of pulling the chest all the way to the bar with retracted scaps. In doing so the face pull helps to prevent athletes from rolling the shoulders to the bar during the “finish”. This exercise can be performed daily, goal is to accumulate 20-40 reps in a row. – Horizontal CTB Pull-ups Focus on maintaining a tight “arch” position by staying fully engaged in the glutes and core. Only raise the feet to a level that allows perfect pulling mechanics, do not try to reach the chest to bar position by rolling the head and shoulders forward to the bar. Goal is to develop the ability to perform 5 perfect controlled reps for 5 sets. – Negatives Jump your chest to the bar and hold the chest to the bar for 2 seconds. Then, slowly lower from the bar for 5 seconds.

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Movement of the Week || Toes To Bar – Part 3

Check out our final segment of the toes to bar series as we prep for the Open (Feb 25). Make sure to tune back in on Tuesday for our next series: Chest to Bar.  #toestobar #crossfit #intheopen #crossfitopen2016 #strict #upperbody #activeshoulders Straight Arm Strength In our final video of the toes to bar series, we focus on straight arm strength. Improving straight arm strength will make the kip swing more powerful and increase strength endurance for all “hanging” gymnastics movement.  These exercise are shown in order of least difficult to most difficult, and can be performed concurrently with the kip swing and core drills in previous videos. 1. Band Straight Arm Press Downs This can be done with the band set up you see in the video or with an old school cable pulley system if found at globo gyms and hotel/apt. gyms. Keep the arms straight as you press the bar to chest level. Maintain a tight core, and glutes similar to the hollow position. Only move up in band tension or weight when you can successfully complete 12 reps without breaking at the core. 2. Ring Fall outs This exercise integrates core stability and straight arm strength. The goal is to maintain a hollow body position throughout all phases of the movement. The tendency will be to allow the back to overextend, if this is happens shorten the length you extend the arms away from the body at the bottom. Work perfect set of 3-5 reps until you can hold your arms in line with your ears in a perfect hollow position at the bottom for 5 reps. 3. Strict Knees to elbow and Toes to bar These variations simply remove the swing and any momentum it creates from the full movement to force the arms, shoulders, and core to do more work. If you’re not strong enough to do these variations, use a spotter to help get your knees to your chest and toes to the bar. Then, slowly lower your legs for 3-5 seconds. The straighter the legs are the more demanding the exercise will be. Athletes of all ability levels benefit from increasing strength and strength endurance in the “strict” variations of bodyweight movements. Goal here is to develop the ability to complete 3 sets of 5 strict toes to bar with straight

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