Training 8/1


Warm up C

A. TNG Power Clean 20 x2@65% w/ 30 sec rest

B. KB/DB Push Press + Waiter Walk 4×6-8 + 50m w/ 90 sec Rest

C. DB Trap 3 4×6-8 (30X0) w/ 90s – 2min rest

D.BB Hip Thrusts  4×8-10@heavy w/ 90s- 2 min rest

15 min Aerobic Cool Down


Warm up C

A. TNG Power Clean 20 x2@65% w/ 30 sec rest

B. DB SeeSaw Press 5×6+6 (20×0) w/ 90 sec Rest

C. DB Trap 3 4×6-8 (30X0) w/ 90s – 2min rest

D.Front Rack RFESS  4×8/ea leg@65-75% w/ 90s- 2 min rest
*RFESS = Rear foot elevated split squats

15 min Aerobic Cool Down

Training 7/31

45:00 Aerobic Recovery

*Swimming or Hiking preferable, we’re looking for modes that are outside of what we are doing consistently in the gym

*Use today to get body work done if possible.  If your injured go see Airrosti, or for general maintenance getting a massage  on a fairly regular basis is great for recovery

*Prep food for weekend, and  allow yourself some time for mental and emotional recovery

Training 7/30

Men and Women

Warm up B

Technical Skill Work Groups 

35 min Aerobic Row or Airdyne (HR 120-130)
*Every 10 min 10 Plate Wipers + 30 KB Swings  

3  Rounds
5 Oxidative Back Squats   @ 4040
5 Oxidative Parallette Push ups  @ 4040
*No lock out at top, no rest

Rest 5:00

3  Rounds
5 Oxidative Back Squats   @ 4040
5 Oxidative Parallette Push ups  @ 4040
*No lock out at top, no rest

Training 7/29


Men and Women

WU: ELDOA Stretches (40secs)

Anaerobic Power Intervals

3-4 Rounds
6 Burpee w/ Max Height Jump (Cycle Quickly)
Rest :90
:25  Max Hang Power Snatch @ 95#/65#
Rest 90 Secs
50m-100m Resisted Run@(Just Tire for 100m Athletes, 55#/35# for 50m) + 10-15 CTB Pull ups
Rest 3:00

B. 10-15 min Aerobic Cool Down


Training 7/28


Warm up A.

A. Hip Snatch + Hang Snatch 6×1+1@ Technical Weight w/ 90 sec rest
*Most likely will fall in the 60-70% range but if it feels good and the bar is moving fast you can go higher

B. Rack Deadlift
C1. WTD Ring Dips
C2. CS Bat Wings 5 sec ISO
15 min of 2-4 Reps@80-90% w/ 2-3 min rest

D. 10-15 min Aerobic Cool Down


Warm up A.

A. Hip Snatch + Hang Snatch 6×1+1@Technical Weight w/ 90 sec rest
*Most likely will fall in the 60-70% range but if it feels good and the bar is moving fast you can go higher

B. Rack Deadlift
C1. CG Bench
C2. CS Bat Wings 5 sec ISO
15 min of 2-4 Reps@80-90% w/ 2-3 min rest

D. 10-15 min Aerobic Cool Down



Training 7/25


Warm up C

A. Power Clean 26 sets x1@75% w/ 45 sec rest

B. KB Side Press 4×10-12 w/ 90s – 2 min rest

C. DB Trap 3 4×8-10 (30X0) w/ 90s – 2min rest

D.WTD  Back Ext 4×10-12 (30X0) w/ 90s- 2 min rest

15 min Aerobic Cool Down


Warm up C

A. Power Clean 26×1@75% w/ 40 sec rest

B1. DB Split Squat 4×10/ea leg@Heavy 30X0  w/ 90 secs

B2. DB Press 4×10-12@Heavy 30X0 w/ 90s – 2 min rest

C. DB Trap 3 4×8-10 (30X0) w/ 90s – 2min rest

15-20 min Aerobic Cool Down

Training 7/24

45:00 Aerobic Recovery

*Swimming or Hiking preferable, we’re looking for modes that are outside of what we are doing consistently in the gym

*Use today to get body work done if possible.  If your injured go see Airrosti, or for general maintenance getting a massage  on a fairly regular basis is great for recovery

*Prep food for weekend, and  allow yourself some time for mental and emotional recovery

Training 7/23

Critical Row Calculator


Warm up B

(Speed & Tech)

A. Power Snatch 6×3@70-75% w/ 90 sec rest

10 min EMOM
2 Jerk@70%

C.  DB Trap 3 4×6-8 (30X0) w/ 90s – 2min rest

3×5 min Row or Airdyne @ TP w/ 90 secs rest
5×3 min @TP w/ 1 min rest


Warm up B

(Speed & Tech)

A. Power Snatch 6×3@70-75% w/ 90 sec rest

10 min EMOM
2 Push Jerks@70% + 4 Pull ups

3×5 min Row or Airdyne @TP w/ 90 secs rest
5×3 min @TP w/ 1 min rest

Training 7/22


ELDOA Stretches
(40 secs)

25 min Aerobic Row or airdyne (HR 120-130)
*Every 10 min 10 Tree Tops  + 10 corner wipers

3 Rounds
5 Oxidative Front Squats  @ 40%,  4040
5 Oxidative Push ups @ 4040
*No lock out or rest at the top on either movement
*No Rest b/t movements

Rest 5:00

3 Rounds
5 Oxidative Front Squats  @ 40%,  4040
5 Oxidative Push ups @ 4040
*No lock out or rest at the top on either movement
*No Rest b/t movements


ELDOA Stretches
(40 secs)

25 min Aerobic Row or airdyne (HR 120-130)
*Every 10 min 10 Tree Tops  + 10 corner wipers

3 Rounds
5 Oxidative Front Squats  @ 40%,  4040
5 Oxidative Push ups @ 4040
*No lock out or rest at the top on either movement
*No Rest b/t movements

Rest 5:00

3 Rounds
5 Oxidative Front Squats  @ 40%,  4040
5 Oxidative Push ups @ 4040
*No lock out or rest at the top on either movement
*No Rest b/t movements




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