WOD 1/5

3 Rounds 
400 Meters
15 Push-Press 75 lbs (45 lbs)
30 AbMat Sit-ups 

AM Results:
Rob 11:30 (45 lb)
Sarah 11:53 (25 lb)
Anne 12:48 (35 lb)
Shera 12:05 (15 lb)
Shane 9:24 Rx
Wes 10:18 Rx
PM Results:
Elisha 13:54 (15 lb)
Keith 14:06 (15 lb, 200 M)
Mike 12:18 (15 lb)
Kristin 12:12 (15 lb)
Stacy 10:49 (15 lb)
Betsy 11:55 (15 lb)
Marcos 11:36 Rx
Tristy  11:09 (45 lb)
Andrew 9:38 (45 lb)
Beginner WOD: 30 Wall Ball, 400 M Ball Run
Megan 5:21
Sherman 4:37

Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek. 
Mario Andretti

Can you find one of CFA’s very own?

WOD 1/3

10 Rounds

:30 Seconds Max Wall-balls
:30 Seconds Box Jump
1 minute of rest

The first rule of sustainability is to align with
natural forces, or at least not try to defy them.
Paul Hawken

**The Regional Qualifiers for the 2009 CrossFit
Games have been announced.  If anyone is
interested in participating click HERE**

Team 1
Kristin (10 lb, 20”/12”)
Mike (10 lb, 20”)
Team 2
Sarah (10 lb, 20”)
Shane (20 lb, 20”)
Team 3
Tristy (15 lb, 20”)
Anne (15 lb, 20”)

WOD 1/2

7 rounds
10 Sumo-Deadlift High-pulls (95 lbs)
10 Ring Dips

Mental toughness is to physical as four is to one. -Bobby Knight 

AM Results:
Sarah  7:33 (45 lbs, Jump)
Anne 7:23 (45 lbs, Jump)
Andrew 7:17 (75 lbs, Jump
Shera 8:34 (25 lbs, Jump)
Mike 6:24 (45 lbs, Jump, 4 rds)
Wes 8:39 Rx
Boone 7:12 Rx
Beginner WOD:
Chris 5:04 (50 Squats, 500m Row)

Happy New Year!!

Let me be the first (maybe not the first) to wish everyone who has been involved with CrossFit Austin a Happy New Year.  Boone and I can’t thank everyone enough for making our first full month of business a huge success.

That being said, its 2009 time (yikes that rhymes) and with the New Year, the obligatory resolutions follow. Ah yes, those big promises that we make to ourselves that never seem to work out. Although I’m not usually one for the resolution game I have set some specific goals for myself and all you lovely CrossFit Austinites.

Lets start with my goal. Through out my CrossFit journey I have one (at least) glaring blemish on my resume… the muscle-up. Indeed, I have yet to feel the joy of pulling and pushing this 265 lbs above a pair of gymnastic rings. How do I plan on accomplishing this…

1. Dedication in my warm-up to the muscle-up
2. Dedication to my nutrition outside the gym
3. Growing a beard

That’s right.  Much to the dismay of my mother (sorry mom) and the single ladies of Austin (sorry single ladies of Austin),  I have vowed to not let a razor touch my face until I have locked out full extension above the rings.  So this is the last time you will see this..

Why?  Because gymnastics is my “Goat” or the weakest weapon in my CrossFit arsenal and maintaining a beard drives me crazy (trust me).  The best way is to improve is not to chase our strengths but eliminate our weaknesses!

So this is my challenge to you CrossFit Austin. Take a look at the last month of training, think about what you have struggled with the most, and lets attack it full steam ahead this month.  Everyday there will be at least 10 minutes of warm-up time set aside to work on your “Goat”.

Additionally, I have this goal for CFA as a whole:

Increase flexibility and range of motion.

Don’t worry I have some fun stuff in store for this as well.

Lets get fired up about the coming month, enjoy your day of football, and lets hope I don’t end up looking like This.

WOD 1/1

10 rounds
100 Meter Run

:30 rest in between rounds

There’s a rebirth that goes on with us continuously as human beings. -Dustin Hoffman

WOD 12/31

10 Minutes Max Rounds
200 M Run
7 Presses (95 lbs)

AM Results:
Sarah 7 (25 lb)
Anne 6 (45 lb)
Mike 5 (35 lb)
Boone 7 Rx
Wes 9 Rx

Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person. Albert Einstein

We will only be having morning sessions today and will be closed on January 1st.  Hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year!

Our good friend and CrossFit ambassador Peter Keller reppin CFA on the slopes in Tahoe!

WOD 12/30

5 Rounds 
15 Pull-ups
15 Jump Squats

AM Results:
Anne  7:31 (PVC, Jump)
Sarah 7:32 (PVC, Jump)
Rob 8:49 (15 lb, Jump)
PM Results:
Tristy 7:02 (15 lb, Jump)
Shane 7:22 (45 lb)
Andrew 8:31 (15 lb)
Rachel 9:11 (PVC, Jump)
Wes 7:32 (45 lb)

I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.  -John D. Rockefeller 

Sibling Power!

WOD 12/29

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

5 minute max rounds
3 Burpees
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general. – Mark Rippetoe

AM Results:
Sarah 120, 125, 130, 135, 155 5 (Knee)
Anne 145, 155, 165, 175, 205-f 6 (Knee)
Elisha 95, 100, 100, 100, 105 5 (Knee)
Rob 145, 155, 165, 175, 205 8
PM Results:
Keith 105, 125, 130, 135, 145 3 (Knee)
Tristy 170, 185, 195, 205, 215 8 (Knee)
Shane  345, 385, 405, 425-f, 425-f  10
Wes 345, 385, 405, 425, 440 8
Andrew  185, 195, 225, 245, 265 6
Boone 225, 275, 305, 315, 325 8

**Holiday hours for the week**

12/29 Monday: Normal Schedule
12/30 Tuesday: Normal Schedule
12/31 Wednesday: Morning Hours Only
1/1 Thursday: Closed
1/2 Friday: Normal Schedule
1/3 Saturday: Team WOD 10 AM