WOD 4/4

A. Spend 8 minutes testing your max depth strict HSPU for one rep, or 3 reps if you can go head to floor or lower.

**Pre Test** please note your score for future comparison

B. In 20 Minutes find a 1RM Power Snatch
*Pre test, record weights  

**Pre Test** please note your score for future comparison

C. For time.
15 squat snatches @ 115 / 75 / 55 (Scale to PC to Front Squat if needed)
15 CTB pull-ups (scale: Band chest to bar pull up)
800m run
*Time recorded
*12:00 Cap

Optional ‘Cash Out’:  

3 rounds
5 db squat clean thrusters
30 double unders


Scaling Guide:

– 5 – 10 min.
– Scale Up: 135/85lb snatches

WOD 4/3

A. Spend 8 minutes working on Turkish Get Ups. Plan on doing at least 4 reps per side (all the way up and down).

B. 14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 2 Back Squat @ 85-95%
Min 2 – 4/arm Single Arm Ring Row
*all sets across %

C. 50 Burpees for Time.
**Pre Test** please note your score for future comparison

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
4:00 AMRAP
20 cal row
15 wall ball

Scaling Guide:
– 2:30 – 6:00, about 12 reps per min.
– Scale Up: 100 reps for time (Guide: 5 – 8 min).

Congrats to this guy! David has been with CFA for over 5 years, putting in the work ( to keep up with his better half, Julie😎) I got start working with Dave as he transitioned back from knee surgery, and it has been an absolute pleasure of a journey, my friend. Congratulations on all that you’ve accomplished and I look forward to watching the next chapter of your life as it unfolds. Cheers to 5 more years (with CFA) and forever with Julie!

– Coach Tim

#CFACommunity #Cheersto5years #Congrats #UDGUDE

WOD 4/1

In Teams of two
5 Rounds
20 Power Snatch @ 115 / 75 / 45 (each person does 10 reps, split anyway)
30 Burpees (each person does 15 reps, split anyway)
400 M Run (partner run together)
*total time recorded


We have to say good luck, and thank you to our beloved Coach Erica as she prepares for the new and exciting challenge of being a Mom! Erica has been such an incredible part of the CFA family over the last 6 years. From a member, to coach, to running our weightlifting program. We are truly blessed to have been a part of her journey in life, and we are excited to meet Baby Cuellar soon.
Once again thank you so much Coach Erica for all that you’ve done for this community over the years!

Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people standing

WOD 3/31

A. 21:00 EMOM

Min 1 – 2 Power Clean  
Min 2 – 5 Single Arm Half Kneeling Press / arm
Min 3 – Rest
*build to a max weight in the Power Clean

B. 5 Rounds (Scale : 4 Rounds)
5 Strict chin-ups (underhand grip, scale bands)
8 muscle cleans @ 95 / 65 / 35
15 wall ball @ 20lb/10, 14lb/9ft, 10lb/8ft
*time recorded
*16:00 Cap

Scaling Guide:
–  8 – 11 min, about 2 min per round.

CFA! Let’s offer a big welcome to our newest coach, Coach Aaron Garza! We’re excited to have him join the team. Check out his bio here!

Welcome New Coach || Aaron Garza!

A word from Wes: 

Aaron has been an active member of our community for the last several years. Over the past year he’s put in a ton of work immersing himself in education
around coaching and improving his own and others fitness. We’re excited to add him to our AM coaching staff and are confident in his ability to lead within our community. Above all else Aaron is a humble, hardworking, great person (just like every other member of our staff) and we’re excited to see him grow and display those qualities as a coach with CFA!

About Aaron:

Aaron Garza graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 2011 with a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering. As a lifelong athlete with an engineering background, Aaron has a passion for problem solving, especially when it comes to human movement and performance. He began competing in the endurance space throughout college which ultimately led to the completion of the 2012 Dallas White Rock Marathon. However, In June of 2013, while training for the Austin 70.3 Ironman, a cycling accident landed him in the ER with a broken tibia. It was during the injury rehabilitation process that he discovered Crossfit. After immersing himself in the world of Crossfit for nearly 3 years, he received his Crossfit Level 1 Trainer Certification.

A Message from Aaron:

“My knee injury was a tough time for me. I went from working out 6 days a week to non-weight bearing for 6 weeks. During my rehab, Crossfit provided me the opportunity to address my limited range of motion and mobility with healthy, strength specific training. I instantly fell in love with Crossfit and always knew that one day I’d give back and serve the same community that did so much for me. I am beyond excited to be a part of this team and eager to help others improve their general health and wellness in a way that’s positive and fun.”

WOD 3/30

MA. 12:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3  Back Squat @ 75-80%
Min 2 – 5/arm Single Arm Ring Row
*all sets across %

B. 7 minute AMRAP
12 burpees
6 dumbbell clusters (aka squat clean thrusters) – must hit full hip extension- @ 45 /30 / 15 lbs
*rounds + reps recorded

Optional ‘Cash Out’: 5 rounds of Cindy
Scaling Guide:
– 3 – 5 rounds
– Scale Up: 53/35lb kb

WOD 3/29

A. Spend 12 minutes working up to a challenging Squat Snatch or Power Snatch + OHS (80-90%)

B. 14 minute AMRAP
10 power snatch @ 95 / 65 / 16K KB swing
12 box step ups @ 24 / 20 / 12
14 deadlifts (same as above)
200m run
*rounds + reps recorded

Optional ‘Cash Out’: Row or airbike max calories in 4 min

Scaling Guide:
– 3-6 rounds, about 3 min per round.
– Scale Up: 135 / 85lbs

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” – Harriet Tubman

WOD 3/28

A. 8:00 E202
20’ Walking Lunge (Any variation, OH, Front or Back Rack x 4 sets

B. 14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 2  Back Squat @ 75-85%
Min 2 – 4/arm Single Arm Ring Row

*all sets across %

C. 6 minute AMRAP
7 KB push-ups
14 DB power snatch  @ 45 /30 / 15 lbs
*rounds + reps recorded

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 rounds
50m farmer carry
15 wall ball

“Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.” – Tena Desae


WOD 3/27

A. 10-15 Minutes of Handstand Work
*can work on push-ups, walks, kick-ups, coach and athlete choice

B. PARTNER workout.
20 minute AMRAP
400m Bumper Plate @ 45 / 25 / 15
(both partners run together can trade off who carries plate)
25 bumper plate burpees
(same weight)
25 bumper plate squats
(hug plate to chest) (same weight)
25 supine ring rows
*One person works at a time, partners split the reps of each exercise except the run.
*Total team reps recorded

Use your fitness! Shout out to Leah Alter and Nicole Seltman for getting out in the world and using their fitness to do cool human things!

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