Every year around Independence Day our community gathers to give back to those who protect our freedom as well as our local South Austin Community. And we have a ton of fun doing it! #MurphDay #South #Austin #FireFighters #NavySealFoundation #SummerAtCFA
A. In teams of three, alternate rounds to complete 10 rounds each for time of: 3 Goblet Squat @ 32K / 24K / 16K 6 Burpees 12 Russian KBS (Same) *team time recorded *40 minutes cap Scale up: 40K / 32K
A. 10:00 EMOM Min 1 – 3 Power Clean Min 2 – 3 Strict Static Dips (Rings if able to do 3 strong static dips) *Build each set, goal is to work to a heavy challenging weight but does not have to be a max
B. For time. 5 rounds Kipping HSPU @ 8 / 6 to one abmat / 8 seated DB Press 12 DB hang power clean @ 45/30/20 16 box jumps @ 24 / 20 / 12 *time recorded
Scaling Guide: – 7 – 11 minutes, about 1:45 per round. – Scale Up: Kipping HSPU at a 2/4″ deficit, and 35/50lb dbs.
CFA is excited to announce that we will be hosting another guest coach for the month of July! Rebecca has been a client of or Coach Wes Kimball’s for almost 5 years now. More importantly she’s been coaching and training people to achieve their fitness goals for over 14 years! “RB” is currently a full time CrossFit coach at CrossFit Optimistic, and has been involved with CFO for the past 7 years. Rebecca will cover Monday evenings for us in the month of July!
Rebecca’s coaching background:
In her “first life” Coach Rebecca worked in the networking field for companies such as Lockheed Martin, Qwest and MCI. Unhappy with the instability of the field, she made the leap from geek to jock, and left the tech world to pursue a passion for fitness and nutrition full time. She has over a decade of fitness experience and has been a certified trainer since 2003. Rebecca loves, and is quite good at helping people incorporate fun, daily activity and healthful nutrition into their lives. She started CrossFitting in April 2010 and has found her calling, and her true home in the CrossFit community.
Rebecca holds the following certifications: CrossFit Level I and II, CrossFit Olympic Lifting, CrossFit Rowing, CrossFit Kettlebell, ISSA Certified Physical Trainer, ISSA Performance Nutrition Specialist.
Each month we spotlight a different CFA athlete who stands out and shows just how awesome they are. What is it that makes up an Athlete of the Month? It may not be the person that finishes the fastest, Rx’s every WOD, or gets a PR every time they walk in the gym. Although we love and celebrate when those things happen, the Athlete of the Month is made up of much more than physical ability. This person shows up, gives their best every time, and then gives a little more. They are hungry to learn and always ready to do the work. They support their fellow classmates and encourage them to reach their goals. This athlete embodies what we believe the CrossFit Austin Community should be about.
Our July Athlete of the Month is Daniel George! Dan joined our family in September last year. He’s an evening guy hitting up the 6:30/7:30 pm classes. Not only is Dan a great example of how drive and determination can guide you, he’s also an amazing member of this community. He’s a hard worker and a friendly face for new folks coming into the gym. Dan’s always on board for a good time with social events and has been holding it down at Tailgate Thursday 😉 We’ve enjoyed Dan’s positive attitude and watching his continuous growth and we’re excited to see him continue to progress for many more years! Dan, we are proud to have you as our July Athlete of the Month and as an awesome part of this community. Thanks for your all your hard work! Congratulations!
State your Name and/or Nickname please:
Words to live by? Never ever ever give up
What is your fitness background? I swam some in high school, but It wasn’t until college that I started to care about physical fitness. I had to get into shape for the Marine Corps, so I started running, doing push ups, pull ups and crunches. From there I wanted to learn more about fitness and that’s where I came across the crossfit website.
How long have you been CrossFitting? I’ve been crossfitting since 2009-ish. I actually started at a military affiliate, Crossfit Cherry Point, where it was all donated equipment and volunteer coaches. We had a really tight community and we were constantly learning from each other. I even got my level one certification while there!
Take us back to your first day ofCrossFit… How did you feel? How do you compare it to workouts today? My first experience with crossfit was at the military affiliate at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point. I’ve attempted CF workouts on my own before that, but I had no idea what I was doing. So I would show up and get smoked checked daily. Eventually I was able to do a proper deadlift or over head squat or whatever. I think my brain has pushed out some of the more painful memories of trying to learn everything.
I will always compare my home box with the community and passion I experienced at Crossfit Cherry Point. I’m lucky to report that CFA has that same community and spirit.
What’s your favorite part ofCrossFit Austin? The community. That is the not so secret ingredient to the wild success of “Crossfit”. It encourages you, pushes you, keeps you in-check and keeps you going. I honestly wouldn’t push myself nearly as hard as when a fellow athlete is sweating and suffering alongside me or a coach not letting you give up
Current Training Goals/PRs? I’m actually beginning to reach a few plateaus that I’ve hit already in my crossfit career. Generally, I want to break through all of that, i.e get a body weight snatch, DL 400+…really just all around strength and endurance improvements across the board.
What advice do you have for folks just starting out in CrossFit? Refer back to my words to live by. NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP. Also enjoy good beer on your off days.
What is your cheat meal go to? Pizza and lots of beer.
How do you use your fitness outside of the gym? I like to run and hike.
Tell us about a moment you felt most proud of yourself during a workout. Doing murph this past weekend….it was hot…my the callous on my hand tore…I was reaching muscle failure but I didn’t give up and I completed Murph ‘straight through’. A fellow crossfitter even ran the last mile with me and kept me moving.
If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be? Dirty Dan 100 D/L at 225 100 C&J at 155 100 Push press at 135 100 D/Us
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside ofCrossFit?I love to travel (its a life long pursuit), being on a beach, and scuba diving.
Tell us something we don’t know about you… I love heavy metal music! If it was up to me, I’d blast Metallica, Lamb of God, and other heavy shit out the speakers during WODs.
Longhorns or Aggies? Longhorns I guess!
Leave the fine folks ofCrossFit Austin with some parting words… Choose yourself. Its easy to accept meritocracy or bad things that life might through at you. But you can choose to invest in yourself and become a better all around person.
A. Skill Practice Warm Up:
Spend 6 minutes doing 3 sets of 3-5 ‘ring outs’ with a 2-3 second pause (think of an ‘ab wheel’ on the rings).
12:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 2 Front Box Squat @ 50-60%
Min 2 – 4 Strict Pull-ups (add weight or bands as needed)
*Sets across for both exercises
U.S. Army Captain Jason Holbrook, 28, of Burnet, Texas, assigned to 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was killed on July 29th, 2010 in Tsagay, Afghanistan when insurgents attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife Heather Holbrook and his parents Joan and James Holbrook.
10 rounds For Time:
5 Thrusters @ 115 / 75 / 45
10 Kipping Pull-ups @ 5 reps / 10 ring rows
100 m Sprint
Rest 1:00
*time recorded
*30:00 Cap
Scaling Guide: 18 – 28 min including the rest, about 2:20 per round including the rest. Record total time without rests (subtract 9 minutes from time after last sprint
14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 2 Jerk @ 90-100%
Min 2 – Rest
*Sets across for both exercises
*Split Jerk weight recorded
7 minute AMRAP
12 dumbbell hang power snatch -single arm @ 45/30/15
8 single arm dumbbell overhead squat (same as above)
*Every time you put the dumbbell down, you have to suitcase carry it 40’ before your next set
*Rounds + Reps recorded
Scaling Guide:
– 4 – 7 rounds, about 1:20 per round.
– Scale Up: 53/35lb kettlebell