WOD 7/11

A. 10:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3 Front Box Squat  @ 50-60%
Min 2 – 5 Strict Pull-ups (add weight or bands as needed)
*Sets across for both exercises

B. 15 ‘high’ box jumps @ 30”24”/20”
10 squat snatches –power snatch to OHS is acceptable- @ 135 / 85 / 55
15 clean and jerks (same)
*time recorded
*Time cap 10:00

Scaling Guide:
– 5 – 9 minutes (10 min time cap).
– Scale up: 36/30″ Box
Compare to: December 1, 2016

Optional ‘Cash Out’:  
5:00 AMRAP
100m farmer carry
20 wall ball


Murph Day 2017

Every year around Independence Day our community gathers to give back to those who protect our freedom as well as our local South Austin Community. And we have a ton of fun doing it! #MurphDay #South #Austin #FireFighters #NavySealFoundation #SummerAtCFA

Posted by CrossFit Austin on Friday, July 7, 2017

WOD 7/10

A. Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging (80-90%) clean and jerk (power clean or squat clean).

For time. 3 rounds
Row, 500 m
21 Burpees
Run, 400 m
*time recorded
*Time cap 25:00

Scaling Guide:
– 16 – 22 min, about 6 minutes per round.
– Scaled: 3RFT: 250 Row / 12 Burpees / 200 M run


WOD 7/8

A. In teams of three, alternate rounds to complete
10 rounds each for time of:
3 Goblet Squat @ 32K / 24K / 16K
6 Burpees
12 Russian KBS (Same)
*team time recorded
*40 minutes cap

Scale up: 40K / 32K

YOGA! Saturday morning at 11 am with Taylor

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WOD 7/7

A. 10:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3 Power Clean
Min 2 – 3 Strict Static Dips (Rings if able to do 3 strong static dips)
*Build each set, goal is to work to a heavy challenging weight but does not have to be a max

B. For time. 5 rounds
Kipping HSPU @  8 / 6 to one abmat / 8 seated DB Press
12 DB hang power clean @ 45/30/20
16 box jumps @ 24 / 20 / 12
*time recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 7 – 11 minutes, about 1:45 per round.
– Scale Up: Kipping HSPU at a 2/4″ deficit, and 35/50lb dbs.

Welcome July guest Coach REBECCA BLACK


WOD 7/6

A. 18:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3 Jerk @ 90-100%
Min 2 – 5/leg DB Split Squats
Min 3 – Rest
*Sets across for both exercises
*Split Jerk weight recorded

B. In 8:00: .
500m row

then max rounds with the remaining time:

10 dumbbell push jerk @ 45/30/20
5 ‘heavy’ power cleans @ 155 /105/65
10 back squats (same)
*rounds + reps recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 3 – 5 rounds, about 2 minutes for the row, then 1:30 per round.
– Scale up:35/50lb db and 125/185lb bar

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
4 rounds
16 suitcase lunge steps
16 wall ball


WOD 7/5


A. Skill Practice Warm Up:
Spend 6 minutes doing 3 sets of 3-5 ‘ring outs’ with a 2-3 second pause (think of an ‘ab wheel’ on the rings).

12:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 2 Front Box Squat @ 50-60%
Min 2 – 4 Strict Pull-ups (add weight or bands as needed)
*Sets across for both exercises

U.S. Army Captain Jason Holbrook, 28, of Burnet, Texas, assigned to 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was killed on July 29th, 2010 in Tsagay, Afghanistan when insurgents attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife Heather Holbrook and his parents Joan and James Holbrook.
10 rounds For Time:
5 Thrusters @ 115 / 75 / 45
10 Kipping Pull-ups @ 5 reps / 10 ring rows
100 m Sprint
Rest 1:00
*time recorded
*30:00 Cap

Scaling Guide: 18 – 28 min including the rest, about 2:20 per round including the rest. Record total time without rests (subtract 9 minutes from time after last sprint

WOD 7/4 – CFA Closed No Classes

No Class – Happy Independence Day!!


A.1 Mile Run for Time

Rest time it took to complete mile

800 M Run for Time

Rest time it took to complete 800 M

400 M Run for Time
*post times and picture in our member forum!


3 Sets
Max Consecutive Double Unders
Rest 2:00

WOD 7/3

14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 2 Jerk @ 90-100%
Min 2 – Rest
*Sets across for both exercises
*Split Jerk weight recorded

7 minute AMRAP
12 dumbbell hang power snatch -single arm @ 45/30/15
8 single arm dumbbell overhead squat (same as above)
*Every time you put the dumbbell down, you have to suitcase carry it 40’ before your next set
*Rounds + Reps recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 4 – 7 rounds, about 1:20 per round.
– Scale Up: 53/35lb kettlebell

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
4 min max cal row or airdyne

REMINDER: Open Gym closed from 1-4 today

CFA will be closed Tuesday July 4th

WOD 6/30

A. Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10-15 minutes working on Handstand and HSPU progressions.

B. 7:00 AMRAP
12 OVHD KBS @ 24K / 16K / 12K
40′ bear crawl
Strict chin-ups @ 6/3/3 ring row
*rounds + reps recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 3 – 6 rounds, about 1:45 per round.
– Scale Up: 32K / 24K kb, 20’ handstand walk instead of the bear crawl.

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 rounds
10 toes to bar
200m run

Last day to register for Murph!

Check out the event!

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