WOD 6/29

A. 14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Jerk @ 90-100%
Min 2 – 4/leg DB Split Squats

*Sets across for both exercises
*Split Jerk weight recorded

B. 5 rounds
5 Deadlifts @ 275 / 185 / 105
10 Burpees
*time recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 3:30 – 8 minutes, about 1:10 per round.

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
5:00 AMRAP
15 wall ball
100m farmer carry


WOD 6/28

A. Skill Practice Warm Up:
In 10:00 Minutes
Build up to 50-70% as quickly as possible

Snatch (w/:03 pause below knee) + Hang Snatch (Above the knee)

B. 10-8-6-4-2
Hang power snatch @ 115 / 65 / 35 lb KBS
Push jerk @ Same
Double Unders (Scale:: 2 single = 1 DUs )
*Time reocrded

Scaling Guide:
– 5 – 12 minutes
– Scale Up: 135/85, Double Unders must be unbroken sets

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
Murph Training:
20:00 Run @ steady pace
*wear a vest if you plan to do so on Murph Day


WOD 6/27

A. 14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Front Box Squat  @ 50-60%
Min 2 – 3 Strict Pull-ups (add weight or bands as needed)
*Sets across for both exercises

B. 4 rounds
6 Overhead Squats @ 115 / 65 / 55 (scale to front squats if mobility is the issue)
8 Toes-to-Bar
12 Wall Balls @ 20lbs/10ft, 14lbs/9ft, 10lbs/8ft:
100m Sprint
*Time recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 5 – 10 Minutes.
– Scale Up: 135/85 and 30/20 Wall Ball


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WOD 6/26

A. Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 6 minutes getting 3 sets of L sits (or progression) on parallettes or rings.

B. 12:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3 Jerk @ 80-90%
Min 2 – 5/leg DB Split Squats
*Sets across for both exercises

C. “Wolfbane“
For time.
Power Clean @ 135 / 95 / 55
Bar-facing burpee
*Time recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 5-12 minutes, about 3-6 minutes to finish the 12s.
–  Scale Up: 105/155lb bar.

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 Rounds
60s plank
30 cal row


WOD 6/24

A. Two Person Teams
9:00 AMRAP
18 burpees
12 clusters (aka squat clean thrusters) @ 95 / 65 / 45
*reps anyway you see fit
*rounds + reps recorded

Rest 11:00

6 Rounds
Strict pull ups @ 6 / 4 / 6 Ring Rows
or 3 bar muscle ups
12 Russian KBS @ 32K / 24K / 16K
200 M Run

*Alternate each full round, each teammate will complete 3 full rounds
*Time recorded


There is still time to REGISTER

Image may contain: one or more people

WOD 6/23 – Women’s WOD + WINE || Men’s Mary Moore + Moontower

A. 14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 2 Jerk @ 80-90%
Min 2 – 4/leg DB Split Squats

*Sets across for both exercises

B. “Baseline”
500m row
40 air squats
30 abmat sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 kipping pull-ups

Scaling Guide:
–  4 – 8 minutes.
– Scale Up: 2 rounds (record only the first round)

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 Rounds
15 Russian KBS
200m run


7:00 PM tonight! Ladies, join Coach Gen at CrossFit Austin for Women’s WOD + WINE! Dudes, head to Mary Moore with Coach Tim for some strong man action and then over to Moontower for a beer! 
Details: Women || Men

Image result for wine and beer

WOD 6/22

A. Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10-15  minutes on kipping drills focused on kipping pull ups and/or bar muscle ups.

B.5 rounds for time (Scale: 4 rounds)
Muscle-ups @ 4 / 2/ 8 jumping chest to bar pull ups + 8 ring push ups
12 thrusters @ 115 / 75 / 20 lb DBs
12 Left /12 Right single arm KBS @ 24K / 16K / 12K
12 BB clean & jerk (same)
1:00 rest
*time recorded
*30 minute time cap

Scaling Guide:
– 20 – 30 min, about 5 min per round including rest.
– Scale Up:
8/4 muscle ups and 135/85lb barbell

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
4 Rounds
8 toes to bar
30 double unders

WOD 6/21

A. In 20:00 find a 1 RM Front Squat
*Strength cycle pretest
*Heaviest weight recorded

B. For time.
15 back squats @ 155 / 105 / 65
20 bumper plate burpees @ 45 / 25 / 15
800m run or 1.5 mile Assault Bike
*time recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 6 – 10 minutes.
– Scale Up:
185/125lb barbell
burpee pull overs instead of bumper plate burpees to 8’/7′ bar.

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
Murph Training:
2  Round
400m run @ 85-90% effort (fast but not an all out sprint)
Rest 1:00


2  Round
800m run @ 85-90% effort (fast but not an all out sprint)
Rest 1:00

WOD 6/20

A. 16:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Jerk @ 80-90%
Min 2 – 4/leg DB Split Squats
*Sets across for both exercises

B. For time. Health: 6 rounds, Athletic: 8 rounds, Performance*:
10 rounds (Scale; 6 – 8 rounds)
7 Burpees
7 Knees To Elbows
*15:00 Cap
*Time recorded

Scaling Guide:
–  7-11 minutes,
– about 50s per round.

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 Rounds
100m farmer carry,
10 Push-ups
15 wall ball

Murph Day is coming up! Get all the details HERE

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoor

WOD 6/19

A. Skill Practice Warm Up:
5:00 EMOM
3/ Leg BB SLDL
*increase weight each minute

B. 10:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3 DL
Min 2 – 3 Strict Pull-ups (add weight as needed)
*Build each set, goal is to work to a heavy challenging weight but does not have to be a max
*DL weight recorded

C. 4 Rounds
400 M Run
2:00 Rest  
*all times recorded, goal is consistency
*Scale: 3 rounds or 200 M runs

Scaling Guide:
– 1:15-2:00 per round, not including the rest.

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 Rounds
12 suitcase lunge steps
12 single arm db/kb presses
20 cal row

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