The Prep at CrossFit Austin {Cycle 2} || Jan. 19

jan prep 2


What is it?
The Prep
 at CrossFit Austin {Cycle 2} will start on Monday, January 19th. {Cycle 1} begins Monday, January 5th. Designed to introduce those new to CrossFit to the fundamentals and essential movements often seen in many of our group classes, The Prep will be a multifaceted course that teaches proper movement, recovery & mobility technique, nutrition & lifestyle guidelines; training that ultimately gives our clients the true {life changing} sense of the power of the CrossFit methodology. We’re not just movers and shakers at CrossFit Austin – we’re thinkers, too. Producing athletes that train smart, work hard and also know their shit is what we’re all about.

What’s in it for you?
Train Smart| We’ll teach you to lift & move proficiently
Dedicated time working on the technique of CrossFit Movements over the course of 12 classes, with technical mastery being a focus. Consistent exposure to the movements will adequately prepare each for success in the group class environment. Quality over quantity in your movement is our goal.

Work Hard | We’ll teach you to recover effectively
The body repairs and strengthens itself in the time between workouts; it’s in this time that the body adapts to the stress of exercise and the real training effect takes place. Learning what and how to fill this time outside of the gym is our goal.

Think Well | We’ll teach you to eat efficiently
The individuality and uniqueness of our clients are what makes our community a phenomenal place to thrive in their training. Nutrition can’t be a ‘cut and paste’ for each individual – there’s no cookie cutter way to properly eat. Revolutionize the way you view nutrition and eat over the course of 12 classes and learn what works best for your ID.

What you get:
4 weeks | 12 Sessions
Just show up; we’ll do the rest. 3x/week for 4 weeks {M/W/F at 5:30 am} or {M/W/Th at 5:30 pm}

1 Coach | 6-8 attendees
The Prep Course will be limited to 6-8 attendees per time slot  to ensure everyone gets quality, semi-private coaching

Prep Guide | Setting you up for Success
The Prep Guide will include all the nutritional, lifestyle, and training  lessons that we cover in class. The Prep Guide will serve as a reference and a tool for you throughout your time at CrossFit Austin.

Extra Credit | Fitness beyond the gym
The Prep Course will also include specific training and recovery techniques to be utilized outside the walls of the gym. We’ve found that many of our athletes want to go the extra mile and this is our way to ensure they do it safely and effectively.

When is it?
There are two course times available, beginning on Monday January 19th.
Morning | Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:30 am
Evening | Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5:30 pm
**Can’t find a time that fits your schedule? Contact us and we will set you up for our Private Prep Course

Regular Pricing
Group Prep Option:  $200
Private Prep Option: $300

>>2015 Kick Off Special<<
Limited to 12 group course registrants – $150 for Group Prep
Limited to 2 private course registrants $250 for Private Prep



WOD 12/29 – TEST

Post Test Week

4 Rounds
15 GTO @ 75 lb, 55 lbs
30 Double Unders
400 M Run
Time Cap 30:00

“Challenge is the pathway to engagement and progress in our lives. But not all challenges are created equal. Some challenges make us feel alive, engaged, connected, and fulfilled. Others simply overwhelm us. Knowing the difference as you set bigger and bolder challenges for yourself is critical to your sanity, success, and satisfaction.”-Brendon Burchard

Join Team CrossFit Austin for The Whole Life Challenge!
Early Bird Registration ends 12/31



12/25 {Closed}

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
12/25 – 12/28 – Closed

Get outside for :60+!
Do something fun and active!
Enjoy yourself!

FROM THE ARCHIVES: Published 12/10/2013

Finding Balance During The Holidays

Its officially holiday time. Thanksgiving has come and gone and we are now 10 days deep into December.  This also marks the time of year when the internet starts to tell you how to “Survive the Holidays.”  Basically there are a few schools of thought on how to manage holiday season.


1. Go ape shit crazy, you deserve it! YOLO!

2. Go against the grain and start your New Year’s Resolution today. Firebomb this holiday season with discipline and self-righteousness.  

3. Find a balance that allows you to enjoy important time with friends and family with out completely undercutting your fitness goals.


As you can a imagine we’re going to make a case for number three. As I’ve stated here before many obstacles in life and fitness can be overcome by creating awareness around the things that are actually holding us back and devising a plan to overcome that obstacle. In my experience there are 3 main obstacles encountered over holidays that can negatively affect our health and fitness goals.


Social outings

While your social life always seems to be competing with you fitness goals, the shear volume of social events increases seemingly exponentially during the month of December.  Office parties, and Christmas parties with friends and/or family all squeeze themselves on to the calendar in December. Generally these parties include free booze and plenty of poor nutritional options.



If you don’t have to spend significant time in an airport or on the road  in December, consider yourself lucky.  Let me just tell you there are very few “healthy” options in between Wichita Falls and Amarillo and even less in the Amarillo airport. Couple that with the fact that you are away from the gym and normal training routine and we have potential holiday landmines here.

Big Family Meals

Finally, we all love our Mom’s delicious home cooking. Unfortunately that 5 lbs of turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, and pie isn’t going to help our six pack, or shave a minute off our mile time.

So what’s the answer? Well first of all I’m of the opinion that you should enjoy and maybe even indulge in all of the “problems” above. Why? Because they are all part of interacting with and participating in the lives of people that are important to us. We as humans are by nature social creatures, and theeffects of isolation and loneliness can be just as detrimental to our health as lack of physical activity or poor nutrition.  Establishing and maintaining personal relationships is incredibly important and why the holidays should be enjoyed not stressed over.  So below are some ways to mitigate the damage done by the above obstacles while still enjoying and being thankful for the time we have with our friends and family.


Exercise Consistently

This is priority number one. One thing the holidays do bring is some extra time off from work, so commit to exercise 30-60 minutes 5-6 days a week. Trust me you have time. If you’re on the road go for a run, do one of our travel workouts , drop in to a CrossFit box, or even just help pops shovel snow for an hour. Exercise is the one thing you can have 100% control of during the holidays. Heck, you can even throw in some double days with Zone 1 work when you’re off from work.


Plan Workouts before and after big meals and social events

This is a simple, yet underutilized way to offset damage done by parties and big holiday meals. The post workout state simply put, allows the body to find productive uses for the calories we take in and mitigates the likelihood those calories will just be stored as fat (for a more detailed explanation of this check this article out). You should always train the day after (preferably in the morning) a big social outing or meal. While this doesn’t sound or feel appealing after a late night at the office Christmas party, it helps you mentally deal with “being uncomfortable” and not allowing that state of uncomfort to affect your training schedule. It also ensures that your training consistency is not negatively affected by social outings, and eliminates excuses from your vocabulary.


Reduce Calories outside of  big meals, and parties

Counting calories has a bad a wrap and rightfully so, but it does have some advantages especially this time of the year. The important thing to remember is that calorie counting on a micro level (per meal) is largely inaccurate. So stressing about the exact number of calories you take in per meal is counter productive. However, having an idea of how many calories you’re taking in over the course of the day has benefit to overall fat loss.  So on the days that you know you will take in a good amount of calories, reduce your intake by eating smaller meals earlier in the day or doing some intermittent fasting.


So there you have it! How to enjoy yourself over the holidays and not go completely off the rails! Enjoy yourself and your loved ones this month, and hopefully these tips will help you stay consistent with your training!

-Wes Kimball


9:00 am & 10:00 am Classes ONLY today

12 Days of Christmas

2 PC @ 135/95
3 CTB Pull-up
4 Box Jumps 24/20
5 Jerks @ 135/95
6 Lunges
7 Deadlifts @ 135/95
8 Air Squats
9 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
11 Double Unders
12 Front Squats @ 135/95

 **Completed like the song 12 days of Xmas**

“And what happened, then? Well, in Whoville they say – that the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of *ten* Grinches, plus two!” – Dr. Seuss 


“8 Air Squats”

New Year’s Deals at CrossFit Austin

new year

The New Year is here and CrossFit Austin has some great deals to help you Kick Start 2015!


New Year Membership Deals

{The Prep at CrossFit Austin}
Receive $50 off the Group or Private Prep starting in January
Check out The Prep
Register Here

{New Members}
Receive 20% off the first month of any 3 or 12 month membership when you sign up in January
Expires: 1/31/2015
Membership Options
Register Here
Use code NEW2015 to receive discount

Contact us with any questions!


WOD 12/22 – TEST

Post Test Week

A. In 15:00
Clean Complex

1 Hang  Clean (Power or Squat)
1 Squat Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Jerk / PP

B 7:00 AMRAP
7 Burpees
7 Alt. DB Snatch @ 35 / 20

*Reps recorded

“Surround yourself with good people. People who are going to be honest with you and look out for your best interests.” -Derek Jeter