WOD 11/4

A.21:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Split Jerk by feel
Min 2 – 3 Pistols / leg
Min 3 – Rest

B.5 Rounds for Quality
10 DB push press @ 40-50 / 20-30 / 15
8/leg DB Reverse Lunges  (Same)
6 Supine Ring Rows


WOD 11/3

A. 10 – 15 Working on Ring Dip or Ring MU Progressions

B. 17:00 AMRAP
7 ‘heavy’ power clean @ 155lbs / 95lbs / 55lbs
Ring dips 7 reps /  4 reps / 7 push ups
14 bumper plate burpees  45lbs /  25lbs /  15lbs
400m run
1 minute rest


Scaling Guide:

– 2 – 4 rounds, about 5:20 per round including the rest.
– Scale Up: 4/2 ring muscle ups instead of the ring dips.

“There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power.”- Honore de Balzac


WOD 11/2

A. 6:00 EMOM Hang Squat Snatch + OHS @ Bar to 50-60% :02 pause in the bottom orn each

B. 10:00 E202
Squat Snatch + OHS build to a challenging Weight in 5 sets

C. 21:00 EMOM
Min 1- 2 Power Cleans build up by feel
Min 2- 2 Heavy Seated DB Press or Strict Deficit HSPU
Min 3 – Rest

Optional Cash  out
Min 1- :30 TTB :30 Rest
Min 2- :30 Max Wall Balls @ 30 / 20 :30 rest

“There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself.”- Louis XIV



WOD 11/1

A. 10:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3 Tempo Front Box Squat @ 40-50% of max FS
Min 2 – 5 Strict WTD Pull-up
*Sets across on pull-ups, :02 down, :03 seconds on the box, accelerate up on Front Box Squat

B. 5 Rounds
12 KBS @ 32 / 24 / 16
40 DUs

Optional ‘Cash Out’:

3 Rounds
100m dumbbell farmer carry
10 burpees

“A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.”- Tom Wilson



WOD 10/31

“Fright Gone Bad”

1:00 Wall Balls @ 20 / 14 / 10
1:00 SDHP @ 75 / 55 / 45
1:00 Box Jumps @ 20 / 20 / 12
1:00 Push Press @ 75 / 55 / 45
1:00 Row for Calories
1:00 Rest

*total reps recorded

Image result for happy halloween


WOD 10/29 – Barbells for Boobs & Halloween BOOrunch!

30 Clean & Jerks for time 135/95 lb
*Time recorded

CrossFit Austin will be holding a fundraising event to help raise money for Barbells for Boobs! Join us on Saturday, October 29th where we will complete “Grace,” the official Barbells for Boobs workout, during the regular 9 & 10 am classes. We have created a CrossFit Austin Fundraising team where you can make a donation or join our team and help us fund raise to meet our goal!

Stick around after the classes for a Halloween Celebration! Last year our “Boo”runch was AWESOME. If you missed it, Wes made pancakes while wearing a hotdog suit and it was the best thing ever. Wear your costumes for the WOD and stick around after for a brunch feast and mimosas! 

Donate to or Join Team CrossFit Austin HERE.

Why are we fundraising for Barbells for Boobs?
So that together we can take action, raise funds and help detect potentially life-threatening breast cancer occurrences. Barbells for Boobs is dedicated to the early detection of breast cancer, with an emphasis on women and men under the age of 40.

Where does my donation go?
All fundraising efforts support much needed detection services in local communities across the country. Remember that the funds raised to support Barbells for Boobs mission are vital to those who may not have the means or access to critical detection services.

Here’s how you can help:
Make a donation of any amount on our fundraising team page or an individual team members page. For every $80 raised, ONE more person will know if they are living with breast cancer.

Additionally, you can spread the word and help us reach our goal by sharing this page on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Or even better, send an email to friends you think might be interested in contributing and include a link to our page.

Together, with one unified voice we can make a difference.

Together we can help. Because… Everyone Has a RIGHT to Know.


WOD 10/28

A. 21:00 EMOM

Min 1- 1-2 Strict Press
Min 2- 5 Single Leg DL
MIn 3- 3 DB Step-ups @ 24 / 20

B. 7:00 AMRAP
12 burpees
8 dumbbell thrusters @ 40-50 / 20-30 / 15
6 CTB Pull-ups (Scale: jumping CTB pull-ups)

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
400m run with medball
400m Farmers Walk

TOMORROW! Barbells for Boobs and BOOrunch! Join us for some fun!
Don’t forget to wear your costumes!

Image result for barbells for boobs

WOD 10/27

A. 15:00 EMOM
Min 1- 1 Power Clean + 2 Power Jerks |
Min 2- 1-2 Rope Climbs
Min 3 – Rest

B. 5 rounds
In 3:00 AMRAP
6 Jerks 155lb / 95lb / 55lb
6 Wall Balls 20 / 14 / 10
6 Box Jumps @ 24” / 20” / 12”
2:00 Rest

“Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean.” -Christopher Reeve


WOD 10/26

A. 10:00 E202
3 Hip Squat Snatches by feel

B. 14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Tempo Front Box Squat @ 40-50% of max FS
Min 2 – 3 Strict WTD Pull-up
*Sets across on pull-ups, :02 down, :03 seconds on the box, accelerate up on Front Box Squat

C. 12:00 EMOM
Min1 – 8 Unweighted Lunges / Leg
Min2 – 10 Push-ups (scale up to ring push-ups)
Min3 – 6 GHRs

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”- Nelson Mandela1026

How to improve beyond Group Fitness Classes


The popularity of group based fitness classes have exploded over the past several years. Starting with CrossFit going truly mainstream circa 2011, 2012 many other fitness concepts have piggy backed on the intensity based group class model like we discussed a few week ago. The reason for this is it works, and it’s a good approach to get people working hard for themselves. That said today I’d like to discuss some ways to improve it, taking your training from “Good to great” if you will.

Lets start with this first, group classes and Bootcamps are quite good at a few things. They are:

  1. social,
  2. fun,
  3. and they motivate you to work harder than you otherwise might.

But they have their limits. They do not:

  1. Take into consideration your specific physical weaknesses, limitations or goals
  2. nor are they all that effective in prescribing specific intensities, to ensure you’re getting the most effective stimulus to promote physical adaptations.
  1. They do not promote a one-on-one relationship with a mentor coach to help you with a long-term fitness plan.

Because of this it is hard for group classes only to be a complete program. The issues can be minimized with good well thought our structure group programming, but even that can come up short since impossible to maximize a program for some people that come twice a week and some come 5-6 days a week.

Many people whose fitness endeavors start solely in bootcamps or group classes don’t stick with it for long. And even those who thrive in that environment longer term tend to see plateaus and regressions due to a lack of addressing individual needs.

What we have discovered through being part of the MadLab Group is a “hybrid model” of fitness really is the best solution to eliminate the issues. Utilizing the incredible environment of the group class concurrently with weekly, monthly, or quarterly personally training to address individuals limitations, weaknesses, or specific goals.

Here’s how a combination of personal training, and group classes can maximize your fitness efforts.

Group Classes:

  • Doing group classes two to three times a week is useful for providing a social, competitive environment that helps you feel connected to a greater community.
  • It’s a time to work hard together, share a laugh or two, and make lifelong friends in the process (much better than the anti-social Globo gym where nobody knows your name).
  • It also helps you stay accountable; if you’re meeting a friend to hit the 4 p.m. class, you’re not going to bail no matter how tired you are after work.

Personal training:

  • For new athletes, personal training allows you to learn complex movements at a pace that is right for you. One-on-one attention is proven to be the best way to learn. After 10-20 initial personal training sessions, you’ll have a better understanding of the movements you were taught—as well as your own fitness level—than you would if you went through a group introductory program.
  • For veteran athletes, it allows you to get additional one-on-one coaching for specific skills—often the more technical ones—you want extra help with.
  • And if you’re ever injured, personal training can become a rehab session, so you don’t need to abandon your gym routine during this time
  • One-on-one time also allows your coach to cater to your physical and emotional limitations and goals, not only to help keep you safe, but also to keep you motivated, and to provide specific movements and intensities that are going to help maximize your development.
  • It allows you to develop a relationship with your coach—a health and wellness mentor in your corner—to keep you accountable to your goals for years to come.
  • It gives you the chance to get one-on-one help in other aspects of life, such as nutrition—another concept that differs from individual to individual, and is therefore best tackled in a one-on-one setting.

So in summary a group class based training regime with consistent individualize training really fills all the gaps you need to improve your fitness over the long haul. We recognize this and our proud to be implementing this “Hybrid” structure as the next evolution of CFA.